Why It’s Smart That Marvel Is Not Giving Away Their Cameos In The Deadpool & Wolverine Trailers

The first official trailer for Deadpool & Wolverine has been released and the anticipation for the upcoming Marvel film couldn’t get any hotter. We got more of a clear through-line of the story, several notable Easter Eggs, and teases of Cassandra Nova, but surprisingly, this trailer lack any major cameos that have rumored (or leaked) for months. This is actually a smart move.

It’s reminiscent of Spider-Man: No Way Home, where plenty of leaks were released before the film’s released date. Plus, it was obvious that Tobey McGuire and Andrew Garfield were scheduled to return for the multi-verse event, but the studio refused to confirm that information. That film made an astounding $1.9 billion at the box office. Marvel not confirming major leaks and cameos for Deadpool & Wolverine is the smart advertising approach that more movies should take in the modern age.

The Movie Experience Has Been Forgotten

A big reason why it was clever marketing for Sony to NOT advertise the return of Andrew Garfield and Tobey McGuire is because the studio understands something that’s been lost in recent years: the movie going experience. Films are like rollercoaster, a ride going in a straight line is often boring, but add twists and turns keeps the experience fun and engaging. Spider-Man: No Way Home is a popcorn film meant to satisfying that craving.

Trailers these days give away too much that often spoil the experience of a film. Hell, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 trailer literally gave away the ending in the trailer! Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice revealed the image of Wonder Woman in costume. Thor: Ragnarok highlighted that The Hulk was a big part of the film. Imagine if these were kept out of their respective trailers? Mystery and intrigue is a key part of the movie going experience.

With Sony refusing to advertise Andrew Garfield and Tobey McGuire, it had some fans questioning whether these “leaks” were true or not. Plus, it allowed for that emotional gut punch to hit them because their appearances were so hidden. We’ve heard the rumors about who could appear in Wolverine & Deadpool; hopefully, Marvel stays wise at let the audience keep wondering whether these rumors are true or not.

It Prevents The Film From Feeling Overcrowded and Lazy

There was some concern that Deadpool & Wolverine was being overstuffed with cameos for the cheap nostalgia pop. As fun as Spider-Man: No Way Home is, there’s no denying that some characters were short-changed because there were simply too many names in the film. Venom only appeared in a post-credits scene!

That still may be the case for Wolverine & Deadpool, but the trailers made it clear that it has a story that’s focused on the main Marvel characters. It’s not getting caught-up in the multi-verse angle, though given Pyro’s return shown in the teaser, there’s clear going to be some names from the past that make a surprise within the film. Fans want to see Deadpool and Wolverine; it’s wise that the story seemingly has an emotional journey that allows for a compelling beginning, middle, and end.

If the Deadpool & Wolverine trailers were plastered with cheap nostalgia bait then it would appear that the studios cared more about the box office than the studio itself. It would feel lazy because Marvel knows that audiences would love to see the return of some of the old school X-Men characters and they could easily relied on that instead of properly focusing on Deadpool and Wolverine.

It Also Keeps The Future Of Marvel A Mystery

The trailers have been packed with Easter Eggs that teased the future of Marvel. From The Secret Wars comic book to the giant Ant-Man helmet; it’s clear that this is more than just another Deadpool movie. Though Marvel’s brand is a mess right now, people are still excited to see the next steps of the MCU. Should Deadpool & Wolverine turn out to be a great film, then it will be an excellent vehicle to re-ignite some of the passion that’s been lost after Phase three.

There’s a lot of pressure going into Deadpool & Wolverine, with some feeling that it could make or break the future of the MCU. If this film turns out to be another mediocre or terrible affair, then it surely would dampen future MCU projects. The Deadpool franchise itself has been positively recent thus far, so anything below good continues to mark that Kevin Feige has simply lost his touch with the brand. The focus should be on Deadpool & Wolverine, but the intrigue of what happens next is another key component that has fans excited about the upcoming film.

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