Whatever Happened to Elizabeth Daily?

Is anyone else thinking that Elizabeth Daily looks way different than she did in the past? In any case if you’re wanting to know what she’s up to at this point, she’s still working and hasn’t ever stopped really. The reason why you might not have seen her as much though has to do with the fact that she’s done a lot of voice acting throughout the years and has otherwise acted in a lot of productions that you may or may not have paid that much attention to. If you can believe it though Elizabeth is in her late 50s, which is amazing since she looks pretty good for her age and is still working to this date as she’s amassed a net worth of around $15 million. Admit it, you thought it was going to be something way less didn’t you? Amazing as it might appear, her worth to the industry is insane but also kind of uplifting since despite a lot of people not knowing who she is without making some reference to Pee Wee’s Big Adventure, Elizabeth is still a very impressive individual that has done well for herself and contributed greatly to show business.

One great memory of her comes in the movie Dutch, which wasn’t seen as a big success but is still funny enough for the holidays since…Ed O’Neill, I mean c’mon. But in any case, Elizabeth and another actress in the scene were playing the role of call girls that had decided to give Dutch Dooley and his young companion, Doyle, a ride after noticing them in the parking lot. While Doyle was in the back seat with one girl drooling over her due to his being so young and the woman being so attractive, Dutch was in the front seat trying to catch some z’s. Elizabeth’s character in the meantime had noticed the large ring that Dutch wore on his pinky and after liberating his wallet to rob him tried to squirt a bit of lotion to get the ring off, inadvertently squirting a jet of it into his mouth. After that the robbery was halted, but it proved to be a funny moment after they stopped to gas up the next day and Dutch woke up with a horrible taste in his mouth and all his money gone after the girls had ditched him and Doyle. Those kind of moments are what has helped to make Elizabeth’s career in a big way and have been the type of comedy that she’s been seen to be quite good at throughout the years.

And of course it’s kind of hard to forget just how she became known for Pee Wee’s Big Adventure as Dottie, the young woman that was throughout the entire movie trying to get Pee Wee’s attention and was forever trying to get him to take her to the drive-in. Remember those? Dottie was a fun character as she was a nice girl that knew what she wanted but was still a little too shy to just go and get it, while Pee Wee was the man-child that liked Dottie but still didn’t know how to be serious when it came to really bearing down and admitting that Dottie was that special someone that could be his match. It’s been rumored that Elizabeth dated Paul Reubens during the movie but obviously nothing ever really came of it. She also dated Brad Pitt for a while, but once again nothing ever came of it other than another relationship that was destined for brevity. She’s had a few relationships throughout the years and a couple of kids as well, but thus far it does appear as though she’s loved and lost and loved again but never with much more than a passing bit of difficulty that she’s made work for her in one way or another. In a big way it does feel as though she’s focused on her work quite a bit since her resume is quite extensive when you really look at it, more so than some people might have thought.

Bringing up all these old names might create a bit of nostalgia for a lot of people since it reminds us of a time when movies were a bit simpler, or at least they felt that way, and some stars were destined to be around for a long, long time to come. As we grew up though a lot of them started fading out and going off to do other things that had little if anything to do with show business, while some of them simply faded into the B movies and minor roles that sustained them but didn’t allow them to shine as brightly as before. Thankfully for Elizabeth she found a good deal of success and is continuing to do so as she has several projects that are currently in production.

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