Boy Meets World was an immensely popular show in its time and managed to carry the main stars all the way from middle school to college, completing more than one transitory phase in the lives of the actors and thereby allowing many people to grow up with the show. In many ways it was an inspirational program that was needed at that point in the 90s and was a true boon to the kids of that era. While not everyone grew up watching the show those that did still look back on it with fond memories. The idea of creating Girl Meets World as its sequel was met with some applause but a lot of people felt that it was an attempt to capture the same kind of magic that was found back in the day and just didn’t work in the same manner. For some it was a return of a few favorite characters but for others it was something that was best left the way it was.
So what happened to the cast members though?
William Daniels – Mr. Feeney
Daniels has been plugging away at his career ever since the show and while he hasn’t been seen on the movie since around 2007 he did manage to show up for Girl Meets World when it came out. You know that teachers like Mr. Feeney don’t ever just up and retire, they tend to stick around for a while until they figure that the job is done. Even then you might see them kicking around now and again simply because they need something to do. But in all honest William has been staying pretty busy for many years now.
Will Friedle – Eric Matthews
Will took to doing a lot of voice roles for both TV and film and has been doing this pretty extensively for a while now. He’s managed to voice some of the most popular characters in the comics and has even done some live acting on various shows throughout his career. While he never really attained the same level of fame as he had on Boy Meets World he has still managed to keep busy and to develop a career that has managed to keep him on the radar and in show business.
Rider Strong – Shawn Hunter
Rider has actually had one of the best careers of those that participated in the show since he’s gone on to start in movies that many people recognize and has taken up voice acting as well. While he’s not what you might call one of the superstars of Hollywood he has remained relevant in many ways since he’s been seen around quite often and has even managed to take up the director’s chair a few times. He got to direct quite a few episodes of Girl Meets World, which could have been something that he’d been looking forward to since it was a return to something he knew and cared about.
Danielle Fishel – Topanga Lawrence
Danielle hasn’t really done much past 2016 but up until then she was staying fairly busy. It’s funny to note that her time on screen didn’t start with Boy Meets World but instead with Full House when she showed up for a couple of episodes. She would then go on to Harry and the Hendersons, the TV version, and then make her way to Boy Meets World finally. She obviously came back for Girl Meets World and even managed to direct 4 episodes and write one. For these actors it was no doubt a homecoming that some of them might have been pining for throughout the years.
Ben Savage – Cory Matthews
As you might have guessed Ben did direct several episodes of Girl Meets World as well. In some way it almost seems as though the original cast members decided to take turns seeing who could direct and how the story would go as a result. Ben started out his acting career alongside his brother Fred in the film Little Monsters, a movie that’s kind of been forgotten by all but those that actually watched it back in the day. But he’s been staying fairly busy with his career throughout the years, picking up gigs where he can and keeping himself moving forward.
The cast of Boy Meets World seems like one of those that managed to get pretty close during the 7-year period in which they were together. Their time wasn’t wasted obviously as they managed to inspire an entire generation with their hilarity and life lessons that were taken to heart. To see them all grown up brings back a lot of nostalgic emotions and for many people it’s a sign that they’ve finally grown up too and that it’s time to move on. While it would be nice to be able to trap time in a bottle and be able to enjoy it forever, that’s what reruns are for.
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