What We Know about Psychonauts 2 So Far

What We Know about Psychonauts 2 So Far

If you love playing video games, you might be familiar with one that you’ve probably been keeping your eye on called Psychonauts 2. As a matter of fact, a lot of people have been wondering about this particular game and wanting to know as much as they could possibly find out about it. Fortunately, there is a decent amount of information available, even if it doesn’t include everything that people would probably like to find out, at least not just yet.

If you’re not totally familiar with the project, it’s important to include a little background information. As you can probably already tell from the name, the game is a sequel to the original Psychonauts. It’s known that this second game will be released and is being handled by Double Fine Productions. It’s taken a fair amount of time to get a sequel going, largely because of the overwhelming cost involved with producing the type of game that those involved with the project wanted to make. They weren’t willing to cut corners or produce something that was inferior in any way so it’s taken quite a long time to get the funding together. As a matter of fact, there was a time when there were serious doubts about whether or not a sequel would ever occur because the money simply wasn’t there. Fortunately, the original Psychonauts proved to be extremely popular and through requests from fans and additional sales of the original game, financing was eventually secured to make the sequel.

As far as the plot goes, you can expect the sequel to pick up right where the original left off and continue the story. It’s a way to further flesh out the original story and explore some of the storylines that there just wasn’t time to explore during the original game. It promises to give fans of the game a better insight into all of the characters and it even teases that there might be a few extra characters or new plot twists thrown in for good measure. Of course, no one will know that for sure until the game is actually released so for now, all gamers can really do is wait and wonder.

The release date for the game has not been pinpointed but it is known that it will be released sometime next year. Everything points to a release date that is within the first half of the year, largely because of all the work that’s already gone into producing the game. That being said, this type of situation is always fluid and things can and do crop up at the last minute. Therefore, no one can really be sure of an official release date until the company decides to make it public. The very fact that they haven’t yet chosen to do so might indicate that they’re working through a few issues with the game or it could merely be indicative of a company that wants to explore every possible avenue in order to ensure that they release the best product they can.

Right now, it’s known that this is going to be a single player game that will initially be released for PC and Mac, along with dedicated gaming platforms like Xbox One and PlayStation 4. Of course, it’s always possible that additional platforms will be added after the fact. Much of that will be determined by the popularity of the sequel and the number of sales that are conducted within this initial release. If there is a customer demand for it, there’s every indication that the company will attempt additional releases for more gaming systems in order to adhere to the wishes of gaming fans. However, due to the fairly prohibitive cost of the game and its development, it simply isn’t possible to develop a version for every game platform right off the bat.

Fans that have been playing the original Psychonauts for quite some time now have something to look forward to. They know that the project is in good hands with a studio that cares about its projects and will do everything in its power to make sure that when the game is released, it meets and exceeds the expectations of gamers. This is a studio that is careful to avoid releasing things prematurely. That’s good news for gamers, because it makes it a lot less likely that they’ll have to deal with games that are full of glitches and other problems. It does mean that as a fan of the game, you might have to wait longer in order to enjoy its release, but that when that date finally comes, it will be well worth the wait.

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