How to Unlock the “Good” Ending in Nier Automata

How to Unlock the “Good” Ending in Nier Automata

Yoko Taro has a reputation for making games with multiple endings. As a result, Yoko Taro fans weren’t particularly surprised by the fact that [easyazon_link identifier=”B017S3OPZM” locale=”US” tag=”unrealitymag02-20″]Nier: Automata[/easyazon_link] had multiple endings. Instead, what some of them were surprised by is the fact that it has 26 endings. Fortunately, 21 out of the 26 endings are more joke endings than anything else, meaning that interested individuals who want to see everything that is story-relevant should focus their attention on the remaining five. These five endings are called Endings A to E, which should make it convenient for people to look up relevant information for each one.

Is There a Good Ending in Nier: Automata?

Since there is such an incredible number of endings in Nier: Automata, most players are bound to be interested in learning whether there is a good ending or not in Nier: Automata. While there isn’t anything that is actually labelled as a “Good Ending,” general consensus is that Ending E is the most satisfying. This is particularly true because players can’t get Ending E until they have completed Endings A to D, thus making it the “True Ending” as well.

For the most part, reaching Ending E shouldn’t be particularly complicated. However, it will be rather time-consuming. This is because interested individuals will have to beat the game once to reach Ending A and then twice to reach Ending B. After which, they will have to be able to unlock both Endings C and D. Once they have seen both Endings C and D, they will make able to make a slight change to Ending D, thus enabling them to unlock Ending E.

How Can You Unlock the Good Ending in Nier: Automata?

In further detail, the first chapter happens from the perspective of 2B and 9S. The route comes to a conclusion with 2B and 9S managing to kill both Adam and Eve. In the process, 9S gets infected by Eve’s logic virus, but he manages to move his consciousness over to a new Type S body. This would be Ending A.

Moving on, the second chapter happens from the perspective of 9S. In this chapter, 9S is performing what should’ve been a standard procedure when he encounters a glitch, with the result that he learns something rather unpleasant about the true nature of his unit’s mission. Essentially, the humanity to which the androids have dedicated their existences has been dead for ages, with there being nothing left besides a server containing their genome as well as their history. Instead, their unit exists for the sake of maintaining the androids’ morale and nothing else. Once again, defeating Eve completes the chapter, but this time, this produces Ending B.

In the third chapter, 2B, 9S, and A2 are perspective characters. Going into too much detail about the chapter would entail even more massive spoilers, but suffice to say that A2 and 9S wind up getting into a fight against one another at the very end. Due to this, players will have the option of choosing one of the two to produce Endings C and D. If they win while playing as A2, they will head into Ending C. In contrast, if they win while playing as 9S, they will head into Ending D. Luckily, once the player has unlocked one of these two endings, it shouldn’t take them too long to unlock the other.

After the player has gotten both Endings C and D, they should choose 9S once more. This time, a couple of Pods will stumble upon the data for 2B, 9S, and A2, which is still intact. When the option comes up, interested individuals can choose “Yes” to have Pod 042 to save the data, which will result in a minigame in which players will have to shoot the credits. Once this is finished, the player will learn that the Pod has reconstructed the three androids with their memories as well as their experiences. There is no real guarantee that the trio will fare any better this time around, but the game nonetheless offers a statement of hope through the Pod that they will indeed be able to make a better future for the relevant characters. As such, this is the reason that this Ending E is considered to be both the “Good Ending” and the “True Ending.”

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