Brazilian Cops Taking Down a Drug Plane is Straight out of Grand Theft Auto

Three months ago someone captured a drug bust in Brazil that you would never, ever see here in America.   In the video you are going to see below, police officers are chasing down a plane filled with drugs on the runway before it even takes off.   In order to stop the plane from taking off and making whatever kind of delivery to whoever they were delivering to, these guys pull off some moves that you would normally find reserved for video games like Grand Theft Auto.

These guys don’t even bother to block the plane’s path.   When you think about it, that move could easily put them in harm’s way making a crash between the car and plane highly possible.  Instead the guys decide to simply plow into the plan and clip the wing off just like they’d do from home playing Nintendo Switch.

I hope that American cops take notice of this and share this video as an example of what NOT to do in a drug bust.   Granted this is incredibly cool to watch, these guys obviously don’t care if they live or die.  I would hope that America wants to protect their cops.   Guess we should ask Trump about that one.


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