Vehicle Models That Made the Most Film and TV Appearances in History

There are times when a car is just a car in a movie or TV show.  It’s simply s prop that makes a scene more real.  A couple people might cross the street and then a car passes by, simple.  But there are other times in a TV show or a movie when a car itself is a central part of the show.  Shows like Dukes of Hazzard, Knight Rider, Starsky and Hutch and plenty of other shows made these cars “part” of the show and we as audiences loved it.  Smokey and the Bandit was known for its car.    How about the movie Christine?  That was the most evil car in movie history.   The point is, without cars a lot of shows and movies wouldn’t have been what they are/were.

Have you ever wondered what cars are featured the most in movies and television?  If you have, below you’ll see a pretty comprehensive infographic that tracked the movie and TV appearances of particular makes of vehicles throughout history.  You’ll see on the top of the list is the Ford Crown Victoria which reigns supreme with 7,243 appearances.   This is most likely due to the fact that the Crown Victoria was the model for pretty much every cop car during the 80s and 90s.

Check out the rest of the most used models below:

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Vehicle Models That Made the Most Film and TV Appearances in History

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