Underrated Horror Movie Recommendation: Cursed

Underrated Horror Movie Recommendation: Cursed

Monster movies can get a bit cheesy, and werewolf movies can be some of the worst out there since the effects that have to be relied on can be insanely ineffective at times and absolutely horrible at others. There are werewolf movies that either make up for this or manage to somehow become great movies all the same in one way or another, but Cursed is the kind of movie that one might actually forget if not for the fact that it did star a few individuals that a lot of us grew up watching, such as Christina Ricci and Joshua Jackson just to name a couple. This movie felt like it was building to something, but somehow tripped and fell and lost its way back, thus facilitating the need for a quick and somewhat messy ending that wasn’t nearly as satisfying as it could have been. It was actually hard to tell what the movie was going to be at first when the trailers came out, but it almost became kind of a disappointment once the true nature of the movie was revealed, mostly due to the fact that it came off as a supernatural thriller that might have had more to it than a lycanthropic curse. 

What kind of saved this movie was its sense of humor since it wasn’t meant to be absolutely serious given that it featured several moments that were kind of funny and made it clear that the movie wasn’t something that needed to be taken as something that was a dead serious horror story. The fact is that it was something that might have had a lot of potential to be a very compelling horror story, but somehow it became stuck in one gear and rode that to the end, where it was made apparent that the curse could only be lifted by killing the werewolf that bit the person that had turned. This aspect of the werewolf legend has changed a few times over the years since in some movies a bit means that a character is simply stuck with the consequences of that are to come, while in some movies the curse can be lifted in one way or another. 

Cursed was interesting enough to watch and was definitely something that could be called a good attempt at a horror movie, but it’s kind of easy to understand why people would forget about it or pass it by. Compared to many other movies, however, it’s one of those that might be good to watch when there’s nothing else on and a person simply needs something to focus on or even use as background noise. It’s almost guaranteed that if it’s used as the latter that a person would focus up once the action gets started since, to tell the truth, it’s not really a slow burn, but more of a stop and start kind of movie that leaves a viewer wondering what’s going on at times, while at other times a person might feel that they missed something. But overall, the movie is worth watching just to be able to say that they did, since there are those that actually found this tale entertaining. 

One reason that it’s kind of hard to get into is that Christina Ricci has been in several different movies, and to be perfectly honest, her role as Wednesday Addams was perfect, while her other roles have been just as good. This one was hard to get into for one reason or another, as she didn’t feel entirely connected to the story, even if that’s debatable. When all is said and done though, the fact is that werewolf movies tend to suffer quite a bit more than other classic horror movies for a number of reasons. As mentioned, the effects used can sometimes be so horrible that they tend to distract from the main part of the story, as a lot of people will go the extra mile to mock a movie while they’re watching it, thereby missing the main point and eventually coming to the conclusion that the movie wasn’t entertaining enough to hold their attention. It’s amazing how special effects can have such an impact on a movie, but it does happen. 

Cursed is kind of aptly named since it had a strong enough story to make something happen, but as I mentioned above, it tripped and kind of fell face-first in a tumble that became a movie. Had it righted itself at some point the movie would have gone on to be something kind of special, but once a dumpster fire starts its kind of tough to stand close to it and see anything but a giant mess. There was a good story here, and it’s worth thinking that it could be rebooted if anyone had the ambition to do so. 

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