Jane by Design 1.12 “The Celebrity” Review
Jane has a quick brush with fame and Ben's relationship with Rita hits an impasse on an all new episode of Jane by Design.
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Jane has a quick brush with fame and Ben's relationship with Rita hits an impasse on an all new episode of Jane by Design.
This week's Teen Wolf was all about 'belonging' and the severe beating one gets for going against the grain. No, seriously, that was pretty much the episode.
On the series premiere of ABC Family's Bunheads, a big city girl has to adjust to a sleepy small town and a new spur-of-the-moment marriage.
Can Basketball Wives crawl out of the hole that it got into during season four? Or is it too late? Find out how I found my answer.
Kris tries to get the family to play tennis, Bruce’s son Brandon wants Kris to represent him.
Four reunions into Basketball Wives, it's clear that things need to change. But what exactly needs to be fixed? I offer three suggestions.
Chasing ghosts and daring to dream in the Mad Men season 5 finale.
Netflix has announced more additions to its streaming library in the form of the second season of Pretty Little Liars and the first season of The Lying Game.
Korra is still imprisoned by Tarrlok and whilst her friends search the city for her, she sees the story of how former Avatar Aang dealt with a Bloodbender
It’s the last episode of LOST ever. “The New Man in Charge” is a little mini-episode that follows the events of LOST’s series finale,