‘V’ Reboot Script Reveals Potential LOST Secrets (Spoiler Warning) TVOvermind

UPDATE: Turns out Jace from Televisionary picked up on this on March 23rd. So chalk this up to more confirmation of what he suspects. Meanwhile, for those of you thinking this is a 2010 show, visitorsite has posted some super duper spy shots of V filming. Check em out.
There are plenty of reasons to anticipate the V reboot with greater than average fan boy zeal. For starters, V was the first chunk of celluloid to bring the image of flying saucers hanging over major cities to chilling clarity. (Don’t even talk to me about Harryhausen’s jerky, but noble, UFO’s from back-in-the-day). That’s right, Independence Day probably owes a chunk of its more polished imagery to the iconic sight of the visitors vanguard of flying saucers staging a presence around a startled 1980’s earth.
One particular bit of casting in the series has caused a mild sensation amongst LOST fans, however. Elizabeth Mitchell, who plays Juliet on LOST, has been cast in the series – a move that sparked instant speculation that she might be moving on. The quick draw publicity experts acted fast to clean up that allusion, insinuating that her appearance could potentially be nothing more than a guest spot. Indeed? TVOvermind has acquired the script for ‘V’ and we’ll be giving it a once over soon enough (in a word, it’s GREAT!), but in the meantime we thought we’d point out one important fact that could have consequences for LOST fans.
First, it’s amazing how this fact has avoided the mainstream grapevine for so long. Essentially, it must amount to some sort of professional courtesy between ABC, LOST Producers, Elizabeth Mitchell, and the press. I’m not going to question the balance of factors, or the motivations, that have kept this off the radar, but since we’re not exposed to those agreements I suppose we don’t have to follow them. We get to function in the domain of truth.
The fact of the matter is, after reading the first quarter of V, you begin to suspect that Mitchell’s character of Erica is a little more than part of the supporting canvas. Half way through the suspicion becomes a little more compelling and by the end of the script one fact is crystal clear: Juliet, one way or the other, is leaving the island. Mitchell’s character is indeed a female rendition of the Marc Singer character from the original series. The lead, in other words.
This does not mean that the guest star talk couldn’t be inverted, to imply that Juliet could appear in a guest star capacity, but it is clear from the substance of the V pilot script that Erica/Elizabeth is being developed as the central character – and with a big death looming on LOST, and drawing heated speculation from the active fan-base, this bit of information seems to settle things quite decidedly.
While LOST fans may be saddened that Mitchell is – apparently – leaving the show, the upside is nothing but sunshine for Elizabeth Mitchell fans: she’s getting her own show! How cool is that?
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on Wednesday, April 1st, 2009 at 8:51 am
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23 Responses to “‘V’ Reboot Script Reveals Potential LOST Secrets (Spoiler Warning)”
LOST Spoiler – Potentially GiNormous Spoiler – DocArzt’s LOST Blog says:
April 1, 2009 at 9:12 am
[…] Read the full breakdown here Whispers From The Forums &bull […]
Henkie says:
April 1, 2009 at 9:44 am
Let’s just hope it’s a tasteless april fool’s joke; i would be very disappointed with juliet being killed / abandoned. Too bad that this late in the game (close to the final season) some cast members won’t be involved any more. Especially Juliet (now with ties to the DI and the Others) has always been able to take of herself, and capable with weapons so I can’t see it happening from the character’s point of view. Maybe her arc is over (not wanting to leave any more,delivering a baby on the island) but that shouldn’t be a reason to kill such an interesting and popular character.
Jon Lachonis says:
April 1, 2009 at 9:48 am
It’s not an april fools joke.
Steve says:
April 1, 2009 at 10:01 am
As has been pointed out elsewhere, this is just a pilot movie script – with the potential of becoming a full blown series. Even if V gets picked up for a full season, the chances are the full season will be far enough down the road that most of LOST should be done. Or so I’ve read from other entertainment experts.
AstroJones says:
April 1, 2009 at 10:07 am
Actually, the V pilot is being considered for Fall 2009. Even if it doesn’t make that deadline, it could still be picked up in January 2010 as a midseason replacement. Both possibilities point to overlaps of Lost season 6 shooting and V season 1 shooting. Assuming it gets picked up. But more to the point, why would an actress, with a stable job and a signed contract for another season of Lost go out and try to get the lead role in a brand new series that will start before your current one ends?
Jon Lachonis says:
April 1, 2009 at 10:17 am
Not to mention, it would probably violate her contract…
Jon Lachonis says:
April 1, 2009 at 10:08 am
That’s actually not true. This is the pilot for the series which will premiere in fall, ABC is fully behind it and has ordered the series. Now, this doesn’t mean Juliet couldn’t appear in season 6, but think about it: is there really anything left to learn about her? She seems to be filling her most vital role in the series now.
Adelaide says:
April 1, 2009 at 10:15 am
The majority of character added since the first Oceanic 6 have not really worked out with the exception of Desmond, Ben and Juliette. I really enjoyed the changes she went through with her character, from being Ben’s right arm, to being a friend n to the Oceanic survivors, and now Sawyer’s “wife”. To lose her would be to lose a great character and a well developed arc to the Others and the Oceanic regulars.
Shane says:
April 1, 2009 at 10:36 am
Thank God, it cannot come soon enough for me. Juliet is a whiny, vapid character and Elizabeth’s habit of never speaking above a whisper makes me want to smack her across the face (which I was hoping Kate would do in last week’s episode). I hope this is true. Juliet needs to go floating off to sea on a burning catamaran as Colleen did, and soon.
Bookhouse Boy says:
April 1, 2009 at 11:12 am
Juliet could kick Kate’s ass, easily…She sorta did it already in Season 3.
AstroJones says:
April 1, 2009 at 11:14 am
God I loved that scene. Mud…cat fight…water…it had all of the elements in place in a way that hasn’t been done since Stripes, IMO.
Bantam says:
April 1, 2009 at 11:42 am
No, Kate definitely kicked Juliet’s ass…AND dislocated her shoulder. Kate is more of a fighter than Juliet is.
Seabiscuit says:
April 1, 2009 at 2:19 pm
True, but Jules did flip her rather easily even though Kate surprised her. I’d say it’s an even match.
I’m gonna miss EM but it’s awesome she’s getting a new show, I’ll definitely tune in to see it.
Wally says:
April 1, 2009 at 12:54 pm
Going out on a limb here, but has anyone thought that this year might actually be the end of Lost? That there is no Season Six.
If you look at all of the major characters and the rumors about them doing pilots, not wanting to do TV etc, maybe this is the end.
If they did it, it would be the biggest shocker in TV history and a great way to end the show
DezziesOthaLifeBrotha says:
April 1, 2009 at 1:30 pm
I concur with Shane. Good Riddance… I have always thought Juliet was one of the least interesting characters. Desmond Ben and JULIET? Come on!! Mr. Eko? Matthew Abbadon? Charles Widmore? Eloise Hawking? I’d rather see a Vincent centric episode before I see another goddamn Juliet episode. The only thing that disappoints me is the rumour swirling that there is a MAJOR character death looming at the end of this season, that will be “emotionally” painful for the writers and ostensibly some kool-aid drinking jaters… Something that “will be treated with the same emotional depth and poignancy as Charlie Pace’s death.” UGGHHHHH. If it’s Juliet this rumour is referring to then count me out. There are way tooo many infinitely more important things going on right now, people!
And another thing…. at this point, am I the only one who doesn’t care about the whole Jack Kate Sawyer Juliet Ben Goodwin blahhhh love hexagon? I feel like I’m taking CRAZY PILLS! Jack and Kate are also-rans… Especially Kate, she has no connection to the mythology of the island or to anything, she’s wasted space. I’ve already covered Juliet. Her story hasn’t been interesting since “Not in Portland” and that was Richard doing most of the ‘interesting’ in that episode. Sawyer and Ben are the only characters I wanna continue seeing and to that end, I think ol’ Lafleur would be better off without both of these bimbos. They’re both lying and manipulative and lousy actors.
And is it too much to ask to see Claire once or twice this season. A little more Walt perhaps? A Mr. Eko reappearence? I think this season has been fantastic, the best since season 2, but so far it can pretty much be summed up like every other season: Not enough Locke, not enough Desmond, not enough Richard Alpert, not enough Smokey, not enough mysterious WTF’s…… Get on point Damon!
Ali says:
April 1, 2009 at 2:09 pm
I’m pretty pumped at the idea of her getting killed off. I’ve hated her since she was first introduced.
Rosie says:
April 1, 2009 at 4:16 pm
Elizabeth Mitchell is making a GUEST appearance on the new “V”.
AstroJones says:
April 1, 2009 at 6:00 pm
Actually Rosie, that is exactly what we’re saying isn’t entirely true. Elizabeth Mitchell has been cast as Erica, a homeland security agent, in the V pilot. But as it turns out, which is quite obvious after we read the script, Erica is THE main character of the series. So the article above is saying that the media has played off Mitchell’s hiring on V as a precursor to her character on Lost dying by saying she has a guest starring role. But in fact, she is THE main character of the new series V.
Rosie says:
April 1, 2009 at 4:17 pm
And if they’re going to kill someone off, why don’t they scrag Evangeline Lilly’s character. Kate is a useless moron. And Lilly can’t act worth a damn.
Brian Johnson says:
April 1, 2009 at 7:00 pm
Juliet aside, I look forward to the new V series. Some of my earliest (surviving) memories of television are from the original series. Two images in particular come to me at the moment: in the first, a man’s arm is exposed to liquid nitrogen, he screams, and he smashes his hand off. It’s been imitated many times. The other is some freaky chick in a translucent body suit. Gave me my first boner.
Featherlite says:
April 2, 2009 at 12:25 pm
I’m looking forward to it too. The original series ended with the human rebels sending a message into space looking for allies, and they said it would take about 25 years for a response. I’m thrilled that they are picking it up from there.
AstroJones says:
April 3, 2009 at 3:52 pm
Hey featerlite, where did you hear that? From the script that I read, it seems to be a total redo, or reimaging of the original series, and not a continuation. When the Visitors arrive in the pilot, its the first time they’ve ever arrived.
DocArzt says:
April 3, 2009 at 5:26 pm
J. Michael Straczynski wrote a spec pilot, this is the one featherlite is referring to. It was actually considered for sometime, but they went with the reboot – natch.
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