Community Season 6 Episode 13 Review: “Emotional Consequences of Broadcast Television”


Well, friends, the mythical sixth season of Community has come and gone. I’m almost too emotional to write, speak, play dead or jump on one foot, but I’m going to anyway. It’s all for you, Communies. You (we) have kept the show alive this long, and should be largely credited with getting a sixth season. There is no one in the world that doesn’t know how much we love this show, and I couldn’t be prouder of that.

This week, on the season finale of Community: The gang wraps up another year at Greendale by imagining what the next one would be like, or as Abed would say “pitching ideas for Season 7.” Abed and Annie reveal summer plans that could take them away from Greendale forever.

I don’t want it to end, I don’t want it to end, I don’t want it to end. *Clicks heels together three times*. Okay. Good. Now it’s never going to be over. In all seriousness, if this does turn out to be the end of Community, I will be more than satisfied. The possible ending was handled in true Dan Harmon/Meta-Abed fashion. The “pitching Season 7” idea was extremely clever. It played on the use of Abed’s constant meta commentary on the series, and coupled it with Jeff and the rest of the gang not wanting to be apart from one another. It was a showcase into each character’s (and probably actor’s) take on how the show could turn out, and why it should or should not continue. Of course, I always want it to continue, but all good things must come to an end. Hopefully before they stop being good.

Everything in the likely final episode of Community was exactly how I wanted it. There was resolution between Jeff and Annie, hope for a reunion (a movie, of course), a little bit of Shirley, a few profanities (I’m sure Harmon was sitting on them for years), and my favorite thing of all: callbacks galore. Community put its already-three-sizes-too-big heart into this episode, and it was funny, beautiful, and sad. Also weird, passionate, and gross.

Here are some of my favorite quotes/moments from the episode:

– “How about Nipple Dippers?” – Elroy

– “What? That’s crazy! People use LinkedIn?” – Annie

– “Abusively cynical one liner dismissing everything you just said.”- Jeff

– “Lizard. Fire Hydrant. Obama. CHAAAANG!”- Chang

– “They sit wherever they want to sit, as of the 1960s.”- Dean Pelton, on African American cast members

– “Better be careful with the cell phones around me because they taste like prime rib where I’m from.”- Ice Cube Head

– Jeff’s vision of Season 7 with Garrett, Vicky, Leonard, Todd, and Seth Green.

– “It needs to be okay for it to get on a boat with LeVar Burton and never come back”- Abed, on TV

“Are you guys doing an unauthorized finale in here? Not cool.”

“Cool. Cool cool. Cool cool. Cool.”- Abed’s “cool” for each season

I can’t express how happy I am that we got one more “GAYYY” out of Chang.

If there was one thing I would’ve wanted to see in a Community finale that I didn’t, it was the return of my favorite characters. Pierce’s ghost? Troy? Magnitude? Duncan? Hickey? LeVar Burton? I just wanted to see my beloved friends one last time. But, that just means they’re saving that for the movie. Right? Riiiight? Let’s be fat dogs about this, Sony.

“I can’t count the reasons I should stay,
One by one they all just fade away.”


What did you guys think? Did you enjoy what could’ve been Community’s ending? Let us know!

[Photo via Yahoo]

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