It’s Not Too Surprising that Indigenous Activists are Boycotting Avatar 2
Once upon a time, people could watch movies without needing to seek offense in every other frame, but those days have come and gone. The shift that has occurr
Once upon a time, people could watch movies without needing to seek offense in every other frame, but those days have come and gone. The shift that has occurr
Each country has its own reasons for saying yes or no to a non-domestic movie, but when looking at the charts, it’s easy to see that China has been one
Every filmmaker puts their best foot forward, right? The general idea of ‘anything you can do, I can do better’ has been a part of filmmaking for
If anyone believed that Avatar 2 would come out without criticism being levied at it, this might have been the first movie they ever watched. Otherwise, it wa
It’s already been established that Quaritch, the badass colonel that caused so much damage in the first Avatar movie, will be returning, but people have
There’s only a little over a month before the wait for the next Avatar movie will be over, but it does sound as though James Cameron and several others
Two names that scream success in Hollywood would have to be James Cameron and his highly successful 2009 film, Avatar. If for any reason, you’re not fam
That might not be accurate, really, but at this time, it has been noted that James Cameron was worried for a bit that the sequel to one of the most popular mo