The Top Five Redheaded Characters in Movies

The Top Five Redheaded Characters in Movies

Redheads in movies can be docile, for a moment, or they can be absolutely nuts. Something about redheads makes a lot of them seem as though they’ve only got two settings, zero and full tilt. Trying to exist somewhere in the middle is almost a constant juggling act as they try to keep their emotions in check. Some are better than others and some break that stereotype easily. But then others flip out on occasion and bring it roaring back as their crimson locks sway in the breeze as they make their way towards another level of crazy. There are a lot of notable redheads in film but only a few that ever really get that much attention due to their antics. Those that do tend to go over the top are the ones that get noticed and the ones that often get the attention for being either just flat out crazy or adventurous in a way that others just can’t understand.

They keep life interesting though.

5. Chucky-Child’s Play

The original guy that socked his spirit into the doll might not have been a redhead but he certainly had the attitude to be one. Chucky is a little psychopath that has no trouble causing mayhem wherever he goes. He’s mean, nasty, knows voodoo, and is ready to throw down with pretty much anyone at anytime since he’s just smart enough to know how to mess with his victims.

4. Ariel-The Little Mermaid

Ariel is curious, she’s adventurous, and she’s just intelligent enough to know when to swim away from trouble. The problem is that once she’s safe the chances are likely that she’ll go right back because that’s just who she is. Her spirit is wild and untamed and trying to bring her to heel is a lot easier said than done, as her father, Sebastian, and even Flounder know firsthand.

3. Black Widow-Avengers

For being one of the only members of the Avengers not armed with a hi-tech suit or being otherwise over-powered Black Widow is just flat out tough. She kind of has to be to keep up with the type of enemies that the Avengers tend to attract. Coming up in the Infinity War series though it’s safe to say that she might want to stay on the sidelines just because she’s not quite up to par in the power department.

2. Dana Scully-The X-Files

Dana is a woman of science and somehow has just enough patience with Muldur to stick around. She’s had her moments during the long series and in the movie when she just had enough, but for the most part she has proven that the redhead stereotype is not all-inclusive since she’s been the calming and reasonable character throughout the show’s run.

1. Merida-Brave

Merida is not calm. She is not poised, and she is not made to gladly suffer anything that strikes her as being anything other than what she wants to do. She’s at her best when she is allowed to ride, shoot, and just be the person she most wants to be.

Here’s to redheads, don’t change, we’ve gotten used to you as you are.

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