Top Five Moments Of Zack Snyder’s Rebel Moon

Could Netflix have its own Star Wars? That’s likely the hope for visionary filmmaker Zack Snyder as the first trailer for Rebel Moon has finally arrived. This two-part series stars Sofia Boutella as Kora, a young woman with a mysterious past who must seek out warriors from different planets in order to combat the army of a tyrannical Regent Balisarius.

The science fiction/fantasy film moves Snyder deeper into genre filmmaking where the Justice League director brings his own world to life on a grand scale. The latest Snyder picture has a talented cast: Djimon Hounsou, Michiel Huisman, Ray Fisher, Charlie Hunnam, and Anthony Hopkins. The first part is scheduled to be released on December 22. Check out the top five moments of the teaser trailer:

An Important Figure Glares At The Sun

Top Five Moments Of Zack Snyder’s Rebel Moon

When you watch the trailer, you definitely see the influences of Star Wars throughout. However, there are plenty of new elements that make Rebel Moon stand out as something bold and original. Take the opening shot of a mysterious figure watching the sun. Say what you will about Zack Snyder, but the filmmaker is one of the best visionary directors out there. The cinematography is breathtaking.

This moment also raises numerous questions. We want to understand more about the lore of Rebel Moon, and this symbolic scene gives audiences insight into the futuristic world and the types of characters that inhabit it.  It’s a scene that says so much about the Netflix exclusive without much activity at all. It is an intriguing opening that grabs your attention instantly.

The Spaceships And Planets

Top Five Moments Of Zack Snyder’s Rebel Moon

As the trailer moves past the opening, we get more insight into the protagonist and the world itself. Once again, the visuals are top-notch and speak volumes about the journey we’re about the watch. Rebel Moon also has some elements of Blade Runner regarding scope and visuals. It’s a huge world that should be fun to explore once the full film drops on December 22. Again, more questions pile up about Rebel Moon, but these intriguing questions get you excited about the upcoming feature.

I Am A Child Of War

Top Five Moments Of Zack Snyder’s Rebel Moon

Kora appears to be going through the typical hero’s journey: a warrior facing insurmountable odds against a villain who appears unstoppable. The trailer does an excellent job of showcasing not just the world, but the character, and her backstory in the upcoming film.

Hopefully, this isn’t a perfect character. Snyder is no stranger to writing flawed characters; whether it’s his version of The Watchmen (which remains underrated), 300, or his films in the DCEU, the filmmaker does tend to choose style over substance, but Snyder can get the best out of damaged characters. Thus far, the story of Kora seems quite promising.

Let’s Show Them We’re Not Afraid

Top Five Moments Of Zack Snyder’s Rebel Moon

The hybrid creatures in the film are also a visual treat. It’s clear that Snyder creatively went to task in crafting Rebel Moon. Even the smallest of details play a large role in expanding a dystopian universe that feels lively and brazen. Hopefully, all the creative elements visually help enhance the world of Rebel Moon. The main goal is to make sure that the story is something truly worth diving into; given how detailed the world is, it would be disappointing if the plot wasn’t as bold and original as the visuals.

Protect Each Other And Show Them No Mercy

Top Five Moments Of Zack Snyder’s Rebel Moon

Djimon Hounsou is a fantastic actor and it’s great that he has a meaty role here. Like the visuals, the action the trailer displays shows the trademark of Snyder’s choreography. The amazing words from Hounsou’s character as the images of war are thrilling. Though admittedly, the action itself doesn’t seem too different from films like it. Still, Zack Snyder has proven in movies like Justice League, 300, and Man of Steel that he understands how to cinematically craft an epic action sequence, and it doesn’t seem that will stop in his latest sci-fi epic.

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