That Time Sean Connery Was the Most Beautiful Man in the World Because He Wore a Kilt

That Time Sean Connery Was the Most Beautiful Man in the World Because He Wore a Kilt

It’s interesting the things that attract people to one another. Apparently Julie Hamilton, the daughter of documentary filmmaker, didn’t think his rough charm and looks were enough until he became the most beautiful man she’d ever seen when he donned a kilt. That’s a bit bizarre really since some cultures and people would find a kilt a little off-putting simply because of what it resembles and because there’s that ever-present rumor that many Scotsmen don’t tend to wear anything down under. It’s not true thankfully since there might be a few guys that dare to go around commando-style but otherwise a lot of men don’t prefer the chill to their nether regions that can and likely does occur.

Hamilton brushed Connery off completely until he wore his kilt, and then suddenly it was as though was transformed into a wondrous being that she simply couldn’t resist. Obviously she found out that kilt kind of just highlighted the man but didn’t change him since all they did was date for a while. But the change in her demeanor after seeing him in his kilt is kind of odd, to be polite about it. There have been rumors that Sean Connery isn’t the easiest person to be around since he’s a bit controversial in his attitudes towards women and has been noted as being a bit confrontational in the past. The things he’s said and allegedly done have rubbed a lot of people the wrong way but he’s still almost always been seen as the cool, suave gentleman that he’s depicted as onscreen. The trouble with that comes from reading reports and various articles detailing how he’s been abusive in the past, the mention of which paints him in a very negative light.

There’s no doubt that the retired Scotsman has his good qualities and has earned a great deal of his acclaim. He was after all, during his time in Hollywood, one of the most well-renowned actors around and managed to create some of the most stunning characters that people had ever seen. There was always a roughness to his person however, something gruff and unforgiving that just seemed to hang around him like a cloud, almost waiting to drop on the first person that said the wrong thing or acted in the wrong way. As an actor though he seemed entirely professional on the scene, though behind the scenes it sounds like he was a bit of trouble at times. Anyone that decides to state that women are simply waiting to be smacked, no matter how he meant it, seems bound to attract the kind of attention that they might not want. This isn’t to say that Connery was the devil or even a hardcore abuser, as there’s no solid proof that he was or wasn’t, but at this time the man is firmly ensconced in his retirement and is well away from the public eye.

Whether he’s still the same person he always was or whether age and his absence from Hollywood has mellowed him out is hard to say.

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