The Top Five Moments Of The Alien: Romulus Teaser Trailer

Alien is back! It’s been seven years since the franchise has hit the big screen and it appears that the story is going back to basics. Alien: Romulus is being spearheaded by Fede Alvarez, who amazed audiences with Evil Dead (2013) and Don’t Breathe. There isn’t much detail about the story, though the brief synopsis does give you a solid overview: “While scavenging the deep ends of a derelict space station, a group of young space colonizers come face to face with the most terrifying life form in the universe.”

The upcoming film has a relatively unknown cast, but so did the original. Cailee Spaeny (Bad Times at The El Royale, Civil War), Isabela Merced (Sicario: Day of the Soldado, Let it Snow), David Jonsson (Rye Lane, Industry), and Archie Renaux (The Other Zoey, Upgraded). Alien: Romulus is scheduled to be released on August 16, 2024. Here are the five best moments of the teaser trailer.

They’re Back Inside A SpaceShip

The Top Five Moments Of The Alien: Romulus Teaser Trailer

The opening shot may seem simple and meaningless, but the film taking place inside a spaceship is a great thing. The reason the first Alien worked so well is due to the claustrophobic setting. It made the situation feel impossible for the protagonists to get out of. It also created an air of unpredictability. Since we didn’t see a clear path for Ripley and her crew to escape, it meant that they had to fight the aliens to survive.

Since this is the seventh film, the element of surprise is no longer there, but that doesn’t mean Fede Alvarez can’t have a couple of surprises up his sleeve. Hopefully, the film doesn’t replay Aliens greatest hits. The cinematography looks amazing and the sound design is a welcome return to this world.

The Heavy Amounts of Blood Instead Of A Pod

The Top Five Moments Of The Alien: Romulus Teaser Trailer

What I love about this opening is the slow build-up to the horrors within this spaceship. The slow tracking shot as we hear screams and clear signs of panic in the voiceover. The studio picked the perfect filmmaker to helm an Alien film. Both Evil Dead and Don’t Breathe were mainly in one location.

That means Alvarez understands how to get different scares out of a single location. The recent Alien films have felt more focused on the action aspects. As proven in Aliens, that can work as well. But the focus on more action took away the scare factor a bit. Alvarez is putting more emphasis on the horror of Alien: Romulus and the sight of that bloody pod is a nice crescendo to an intense opening.

Face Huggers Attack!

The Top Five Moments Of The Alien: Romulus Teaser Trailer

Perhaps the one thing that’s scarier than the alien itself is the face huggers. These creatures are smaller and more stealthy than the giant xenomorphs. Their intentions are more sinister as their purpose is to implant a chest-burster into one of their victims. It’s a genuinely terrifying sequence to see a ton of these creatures trying to haunt down their next prey. It should also be a very exciting one as the action element hasn’t fully escaped the latest Alien film.

An Alien Tentacle Coming Out Of A Crew Member’s Mouth

The Top Five Moments Of The Alien: Romulus Teaser Trailer

The imagery of this teaser is simply phenomenal. The purpose was to scare the crap out of the audience and the trailer did its job. But it isn’t just the fact that it brings back fond memories of the first Alien, it seems that Alvarez has added a few new wrinkles that don’t make Romulus come across as a carbon copy of the first film. Is this a new form of a xenomorph? It would be cool if a new species popped up in the latest installment to freshen up the premise. It would also bring in a new sense of dread and unpredictability that’s been missed in the last couple of Alien films.

The Space Ship Explodes

The Top Five Moments Of The Alien: Romulus Teaser Trailer

Another great thing about this taking place in space is that Alvarez can play with the environment which adds more stakes to the overall plot. The crew having to deal with the xenomorphs is one thing, but upping the ante of having them combat the dangers of being in space adds a necessary anxiety and drama that heightens the entire story. Thus far, the elements for a great Alien film are all there. Hopefully, the seventh film can remind audiences why they fell in love with the horror franchise.

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