The Sinister Six Is Being Set Up Once Again With Morbius

The Sinister Six Is Being Set Up Once Again With Morbius

Remember when The Amazing Spider-Man 2 was actually a set-up movie for the Sinister Six movie for Sony? That’s actually what killed The Amazing Spider-Man 3 and led to Sony making a deal with Marvel to integrate Spider-Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Okay, so maybe the failure of that franchise wasn’t a total failure. And on the flip side, we did see Andrew Garfield play the wall-crawler once again in last year’s Spider-Man: No Way Home. That was a well-deserved return to the character we didn’t know we needed. And with that success, fans are now petitioning for The Amazing Spider-Man 3 to get back on track. Will it actually happen? After No Way Home, I’ll say all bets are off.

Speaking of which, what is the future of Sony and Spider-Man? Since both Venom movies were massive hits, it looks like Sony is fully committed to expanding their own Spiderverse. Hey, I’ll take it, but it makes me wonder just how many movies they can dish out with the limited characters they have. I guess they already have somewhat of a plan, which involves certain Spider-Man villains coming together to form the Sinister Six. But wait, didn’t Sony already try that? They did and it didn’t work out too well. That’s old news, but this is a different situation than last time.

Instead of using a Spider-Man movie to set up the Sinister Six movie, Sony has opted to give each villain their own movie to lead into it. Sounds a lot like how Marvel pursued their set-up of the Avengers, doesn’t it? The difference is one had heroes getting their own movies, which makes sense. What Sony is doing is far riskier for many reasons. How can you give all these villains their own solo movies when they’re supposed to be the antagonists of the stories involving them fighting the hero? I guess the answer is making them more like anti-heroes instead of full-fledged villains.

I do think that can work, but with the right characters. For the case of Venom, he began as a complete villain with a vengeful streak, but he would eventually turn into the lethal protector. Without a doubt, Tom Hardy’s Venom began the Sony Spiderverse and he will likely be a part of it’s Sinister Six. I’ll take more of Tom Hardy’s Venom, but this is still a risky move on Sony’s end. We know they’re very serious about expanding their Spiderverse by giving other characters their own movies. One such particular character is the vampire character known as Morbius.

The Morbius movie is coming out in one week and if you’ve been keeping up with the news about it, you’ll be hearing some disconcerting news. That’s actually putting it lightly, because what is being reported does not look good for Sony’s separate universe. The post-credits scene of No Way Home was setting up for something we’ve been waiting to see done in the MCU for a while now. Eddie Brock was sent back to his universe and a small piece of Venom was left behind in Tom Holland‘s world. This sets the stage for black-suited Spider-Man, which will inevitably lead to his Spider-Man crossing paths with Tom Hardy’s Venom. But how will that play out when he has to battle the Sinister Six?

We have seen a version of that in No Way Home, except the villains were one villain short. It wasn’t enough to make the Sinister Six, but it was enough to give Spider-Man trouble. I think the next time he faces that many villains, he won’t be lucky enough to have two other Spider-Men by his side. Then again, when he does face this new Sinister Six, the villains forming it won’t be complete villains, so will they be much of a threat to Spidey? That’s where things might get confusing, but if you want a real head-scratcher, then check out the post-credits scenes of Morbius.

No, they haven’t leaked, but Sony actually allowed them to be revealed in great detail. That’s pretty weird, considering Morbius is so close to its release date. To sum up what we have suspected all along, there are connections to the multiverse. I mean, all the trailers relied heavily on emphasizing the movie’s connection to the bigger multiverse, so it’s pretty hard to think otherwise. Well, it turns out, all of that was a bit of a misdirection on Sony’s part. Yes, I am putting that lightly. What was heavily emphasized in the trailers was barely touched on in the movie. If that is true, then that is some disappointing news.

It’s no question that the Morbius movie has been heavily relying on being connected to the MCU for its marketing campaign. So if all of what we’re hearing is true, then all that marketing can be described as borderline false advertising. And to make things worse, the post-credits scenes were revealed and it does set up the connections to the MCU. Remember when Michael Keaton was shown in the trailers? Well, as it turns out, he does appear in the movie, but in a very confusing manner. After the events of No Way Home, his character, Adrian Toomes, better known as the Vulture, gets sent to this Sony Spider-Man verse. And since he forgot who Spider-Man was, he has decided to enact revenge on the man who sabotaged his gunrunning operation. And to help him with his plan is, you guessed it, Morbius.

There’s no question about it, these post-credits scenes are setting up for Sony’s Sinister Six. Based on the description, it all sounds like Sony didn’t really know how to set this up. And since the early reactions of Morbius are coming out negative, I think that removes all doubt. Not only is Vulture out to get Spider-Man again, but Morbius is quick to agree to it. Kind of odd, considering the two characters haven’t met yet. Sony has already pretty much spoiled this for us and it sounds like they’re more interested in giving us that Sinister Six set-up once again. If that’s the case, then the Morbius movie’s purpose was all for the big plan.

Hey, I’ll take the Sinister Six, but come on Sony, why spoil it so close to the movie’s release date? I might still enjoy Morbius, but the post-credits scene sounds like the most exciting thing about it. And guess what? It’s apparently forced and confusing. Hey, at least we’ll be getting that Kraven the Hunter movie next year. If that’s good, then I’m willing to forgive Sony for this little misstep. And yes, I still want to see their Sinister Six, despite the disorganized set up.MorbiusVenom

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