The Marvels Sequel: Is a Follow-Up Still in the Works?

Since its release, there have been questions about the possibility of The Marvels sequel. At some point, audiences believed the superhero character, Captain Marvel, would have her own trilogy. However, there’s no denying that The Marvels underperforming Box Office earnings of $206.1 million set a record as the lowest-grossing film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s (MCU). 

The first movie, Captain Marvel, released in Phase Three of the MCU’s The Infinity Saga, was a massive success. It became one of the MCU’s billion-dollar films. Its sequel, The Marvels, was released in Phase Five of The Multiverse Saga. Whether the first sequel’s failure is attributed to the “superhero fatigue” that has plagued the genre, MCU audiences are more concerned about the direction the studio looks to take concerning a possible The Marvels sequel. 

The Marvels Plot Recap

Dar-Benn in The Marvels

At the beginning of The Marvels, Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers has successfully destroyed the Kree empire’s Supreme Intelligence. However, she inadvertently starts a civil war that renders planet Hala stripped of its resources and barren. In search of a way to save her people, Dar-Benn, the Kree’s new leader, searches for and discovers one of the two legendary Quantum Bands. Although Dar-Benn seeks both bands, she uses her one discovered band to forcibly open a new jump point across space. Her mission is simple: to extract resources (air, water, sun, etc) from other planets into Hala.

However, when one of her jump points creates an anomaly near Earth’s Earth’s S.A.B.E.R. space station, Nick Fury asks Captain Marvel to investigate. As Captain Marvel and Captain Monica Rambeau investigate their jump points in different locations, they immediately switch places, including Kamala Khan/Ms. Marvel, who has the other Quantum Band. Although Dar-Benn’s mission is to return life to Hala, she has a personal hatred to Captain Marvel, who tge Kree’s have dubbed “The Annihilator.” Much of The Marvels saw the trio of superheroes (Captain Marvel, Captain Monica Rambeau, and Ms. Marvel) try to stop Dar-Benn from creating jump points and destroying planets. 

Like most MCU movies, the movie’s final scenes set up storylines and arcs for a The Marvels sequel. Figuring the only way to repair the space-time rift is to close it from the other side; Captain Monica Rambeau knowingly sacrificed herself for the mission. Although victorious, Captain Marvel and Kamala Khan are saddened by the loss of Captain Monica Rambeau. In The Marvels last scene, audiences watched Kamala Khan attempt to recruit Kate Bishop into a new group of young superheroes. In The Marvels mid-credit scene, it’s revealed Captain Monica Rambeau is alive in a parallel universe. Interestingly, it’s in a new universe that finally introduced the X-Men into the MCU.

Are There Plans for a The Marvels Sequel?

The Marvels

There hasn’t been an official confirmation of whether there will be a sequel to The Marvels. However, there also hasn’t been any confirmation that the studio isn’t considering another sequel. What is known at the moment is that the MCU is focused on producing and releasing their already scheduled film lineups. Judging by what’s available in the lineup, there are no plans for a The Marvels sequel in the MCU The Multiverse Saga Phase Five, neither is it listed in Phase Six. This leaves the door open for a sequel anytime in or after 2027.

However, a lot would depend on the success of the universe and genre, in general, in the coming years. There’s no denying Captain Marvel is an important superhero character in the Marvel Comics. With the 2019 Captain Marvel movie’s Box Office earnings of $1.131 billion, it wouldn’t be entirely fair to judge the film series solely on the abysmal performance of its sequel, The Marvels. A look at the listed MCU movies in the lineups indicates the studio is currently focused on diversifying and introducing more Marvel Comics superheroes to the mainstream media. 

Although the MCU has been quiet about the series, its lead actor, Brie Larson, in an interview with Entertainment Tonight, hinted at the possibility of a The Marvels sequel. Summarily, she said, “I don’t want Marvel to come for me. But there is something. There is definitely something, to answer your question, that I would want to say, but I am not going to. I think there is still so much inside of Carol. I feel like getting to be on this team just cracked her open in a way that she hadn’t been, and I really loved that for her. I just loved her letting the shoulders drop a little bit, and not need to feel like all the responsibility was on her. So I think that there is just so much more to go.”

Possible Plot for a The Marvels Sequel

Captain Marvel in The Marvels

With the introduction of Captain Monica Rambeau and Kamala Khan into Captain Marvel’s timeline, several arcs have yet to be explored. With two Avengers films (Avengers 5 and Avengers: Secret Wars) slated for release in 2026 and 2027, respectively, audiences could see The Marvels trio make appearances before a sequel. Unarguably, Kamala Khan is now an Avenger, especially with her impressive performance in The Marvels, as noted by Nick Fury.

For personal reasons, Captain Marvel will seek out Captain Monica Rambeau at the end of the universe. Kamala Khan is also more committed to it but is also focused on building the Young Avengers. While it’s uncertain if these Young Avengers will have a solo film, they can also be a story arc to explore in a The Marvels sequel. Captain Marvel helped restore Hala’s sun. Although this puts her in their good books for now, the Skrulls’ have had to abandon their refugee colony on planet Tarnax. 

Valkyrie, in a cameo appearance as the King of New Asgard, appears through the Bifrost to resettle the Skrull in New Asgard. Also, with the expansion of The Multiverse Saga, several other possible interconnecting plots could emerge. Whichever the case, one thing is certain, The Marvels deserves a sequel (maybe with a better plot and direction) to complete its trilogy. If you enjoyed reading about The Marvels sequel, read The top 10 movies featuring The Marvels Cast.

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