The Five Best Moments From AMC’s Dark Winds Trailer

The Five Best Moments From AMC’s Dark Winds Trailer

A new series with an ensemble cast is set to debut soon, as Dark Winds is a western drama set in 1971. In the remote outpost of the Navajo Nation near Monument Valley, the show focuses on Lieutenant Joe Leaphorn of the Tribal Police as he takes charge of several crimes that seem unrelated at first. However, after the Lieutenant digs deeper into the case, he discovers the truth that will expose an ugly past that forces him to stare evil in the eye. This series stars Rainn Wilson, Zahn McClarnon, and Noah Emmerich and will premiere on AMC on June 12th. Here are the five best moments of the Dark Winds trailer.

Lieutenant Leaphorn Discovers A Dead Body Inside of A Hotel

Now dead bodies and television are nothing new at this point, especially when it comes to western crime dramas. Despite the familiarity of this element, that doesn’t mean that something fresh and compelling can’t come from this whodunit series. What’s great is Reservation Dogs Zahn McClarnon is leading the charge here and the trailer is packed with several interesting moments in the upcoming series. Who did it? Why did they do it? How does this murder tie into the character of Joe and his journey? Dark Winds focuses on a cast that isn’t all too shown on television these days and that’s what helps make this new AMC series stand out. We get to explore a different culture with rules that aren’t so familiar to us, which makes the murder that more intriguing. Dark Winds appears to be a combination of True Detective and No Country For Old Men. Perhaps I’m ranking this show a little too high, but given the level of talent in front and behind the camera, the expectations for something incredible are too wild.

A Woman Pops Out Of The Woods

It’s clear that Dark Winds will dive into the roots of Native American culture and the trailer has been packed with some seemingly colorful characters. In the Navajo Nation near Monument Valley, a scene showcases a mysterious woman pop out in the middle of the night in creepy fashion. Is this woman linked to the murder earlier in the trailer? Is she a red herring meant to throw viewers off? Is she just some lunatic who likes to pop out of trees like some horror movie villain? Dark Winds seems to be tackling religion, culture, and several other social themes that ties into the overall series and crimes. This moment is likely a trick to throw audiences off the real culprit in the show, but in this day and age of clever television, nothing is just that simple anymore.

Amory Car Robbery

This sequence is the most action that the trailer showcases. First a mysterious murder and now a wild robbery that appears to be linked. What do these criminals want? Is it as simple as money? Or is there are larger semblance to the overall picture? Dark Winds does enough to get you interested in the story but leaves some mystery that will simmer in the minds of audiences. Plus, this action sequence is clearly well done, so it’s nice to see that the budget and production of this upcoming series is on the high value scale.

Joe and Jim Are Out In The Desert Talking

The new sheriff in town is Jim Chee, and it doesn’t appear that him and the boss will get along so smooth in the early going. While their partnership isn’t highlighted too much in the trailer, it should be very interested to see how their morals within this world align. This scene appears to be something simple with the two being on the same page about getting to bottom of this case, but why are they in the middle of the desert discussing this? Are they coming off some type of shady deal? It’s the location that strings up the mystery regarding their whereabouts and it could play up their respective dynamic in the series. It’s not exactly clear how these two cops work together, but hopefully it’s in a way that’s very entertaining.

Preacher Is Digging

The trailer only showcases the preacher twice, but his involvements create another layer of suspense when it comes to characters. This moment is in the quick montage of scenes towards the end of the trailer, and considering it’s bunched together with several other horrific images, that moment is clearly deeper than a preacher simply digging. How heavy is the religious aspect of Dark Winds? Could the Preacher be the mastermind behind these crimes? And if so, is it meant to be something involving a cult? This may have been a blink and you’ll miss it moment, but the simple scene instantly creates another compelling character who likely isn’t the good guy that’s portrayed early in the trailer.Reservation Dogs

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