The Character James Gunn is Saving for Peacemaker Season 2

The Character James Gunn is Saving for Peacemaker Season 2

The character that’s being saved for Peacemaker season 2 is confusing a lot of people since we haven’t even seen Peacemaker season 1 yet and James Gunn is pushing a secret that he’s not ready to reveal yet. Some people love the idea that they’ll get to theorize and guess who the character will be, especially since Peacemaker has interacted with a lot of characters over the years in DC comics. But the fact is that the ambition of moving forward to think of a next season before seeing what the Suicide Squad movie and the first season of Peacemaker will bring makes it appear as though Gunn is reaching just a bit and might need to dial it back for a moment. Getting John Cena to play the part of Peacemaker was amazing enough, and thinking that he might actually survive in a movie where a lot of the main characters are reportedly going to be killed off is even more amazing. There’s no telling if the Peacemaker show is going to be a prequel or a sequel but it does sound as though it’s going to put the character through his paces once again and will end up involving other DC characters that fans will be excited to see. But right now the movie has yet to come out and Gunn is already thinking about the second season and teasing people by saying that he does have an idea of who Peacemaker will face. It could be setting up an arc that might lead into the Suicide Squad or lead away from it in an attempt to build DC’s universe up in another direction. It’s hard to say really since until we see what’s there and has already been created there’s only guesswork and theories to go on when it comes to thinking of what might happen later.

John Cena has definitely made his way into the movies, following other wrestlers such as Dwayne Johnson as he’s continued to show up in TV shows and movies in an effort to build up his career and have something other than the WWE to fall back on since it does feel as though his wrestling days are pretty much over and if not, might soon be. It’s funny to think that at one time John was seen to criticize Dwayne for heading off to Hollywood and leaving everyone and everything behind only to come back now and then for a visit. John is doing pretty much the same thing that he accused Dwayne of, and whether it was part of a storyline or not, these two are not the only famous wrestlers that have found their way into the movies. There are several wrestlers that have been trying their hand at acting and a lot of them have done fairly well to this point, but Dwayne and John are two of the most successful stories thus far. At one point it was kind of funny to think that wrestlers were trying to get into the movies since the nature of pro wrestling made it amusing, to say the least, and yes, Dwayne’s early endeavors left a little something to be desired, as did Cena’s. But over the years their acting skills have improved and Cena has become just as impressive as he’s learned how to adjust to each role and pick up different skills as he’s moved up.

Just watching the trailers, Peacemaker is kind of a nutty character since he’s so invested in the idea of peace that he’s willing to kill to get it, which is kind of bizarre really, and something that people have no doubt commented on already. But the fact that Gunn is pushing a show for this guy is even crazier since up until his inclusion into the Suicide Squad it feels safe to say that a lot of people had no clue who he was unless they were hardcore DC fans. But the point here is that we’re being tossed a gigantic tease by Gunn when it comes to the character that is going to be featured in the second season of Peacemaker since nothing is being revealed at this time and if one is being completely honest any and all thoughts of a season 2 might be moot since it has to be seen how the movie will perform and then how well season 1 will perform. A lot of folks are likely thinking that everything will turn out to be fine and that this upcoming movie will outperform the first Suicide Squad movie without any doubt, but a lot of folks did think that the first movie would be a great idea too. It could be that this version of the Suicide Squad will hit all the right buttons and check all the right boxes, but it kind of feels that before thinking about season 2 of a character’s individual show that the movie needs to be viewed first.

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