Teen Wolf 4.05 & 4.06 Review: ”I.E.D.”/”Orphaned”

teen wolf orphaned

Because of last week’s San Diego Comic-Con, you will today get a double review of both last and this week’s episodes of Teen Wolf.

4.05 — “I.E.D.”

The first couple of minutes of this episode may have been one of the best openings for an episode ever. Something that Teen Wolf does a great job with is give their viewers’ great exposition of what the plot of the season is and what has been going on so far.

Season 1 will always have a special place in my heart and “I.E.D.” had a lot of similar moments to some of the first season’s first couple of episodes. It’s incredibly cool to see Scott being the mentor figure to Liam, who is increasingly getting more and more interesting as the season progresses. “I.E.D.” also explored more of Liam’s background and his anger issues from his old school, which was quite interesting to follow.

The writers are continuing to flesh out Lydia’s banshee side and I loved when she openly said that she can’t turn it on and off like other supernatural characters on the show. It always feels good whenever the character admits one of its own problems, like the viewers’ sees it. Her scene with Meredith was more comedic than anything because it was just hilarious to see Lydia drop her temper several times.

Even though this lacrosse game was something to look out for, it was just really fun to see Kira play her first game. It can’t be stressed enough how great it is that they have lacrosse being a huge part again of the show. The only thing that irritated me was seeing the slow-motion walks by Garett every 5 minute or so. I guess it’s to remind us that he was still out on the field and was still a danger, but still, it was really annoying.

The way the episode ended with Violet being owned by Scott was fantastic, although I was very concerned for a brief second that he would actually kill her because that look in his face when he held her throat, was terrifying.

 4.06 — “Orphaned”

In classic Teen Wolf style, the opening of this episode felt like a really scary horror flick with Kate getting that mysterious tape to play. I think this is my favorite Kate episode of the season so far, both in the flashbacks and in the present.

Something that we learn in the previous episode is that the charming deputy Parrish is also something supernatural as his name is on the Deadpool. I always had a suspicion that there was something up with him because he kept showing up in so many episodes. I’m not sure what he is, but whatever he is, it should be interesting once we find out.

I’m getting very worried about Derek who is not only losing his powers, but also being predicted as someone who might die soon. The other hint that they have been giving the viewers to that possibility is that Scott has slowly started to take over Derek’s role as the Alpha, as the mentor and so on. I hope though that they won’t end up killing him because he is a very rich character for the show and Tyler Hoechlin is such a fine actor that it would be awful to see him go so soon. It was cool though to see him interact with Malia a lot in this episode, it’s always good to see characters hangout with other characters that they usually don’t have a lot of scenes with.

Even though this show deals with a lot of supernatural problems, it has been a while since we have seen some common issues and this episode gave us some of that. It was quite a surprise that Mama McCall were having some economy problems.

I expected Mr. Argent’s reaction towards seeing Kate again being, slightly different, but that’s just my weird TV viewing. The fight versus the berserkers was amazing and even though they are still so scary to look at, they are impressive.

The ending was phenomenal as our hero shined more than ever by making it his mission to protect these supernatural people and the way that Tyler Posey delivered those lines, shows how far he has come since the first season. As I thought the episode was over, they decided to give us one twisting scene where Kate and Peter shared a very interesting scene. Will these two power houses join forces? You just got to keep watching!

Overall, these two episodes of Teen Wolf were solid episodes and we are now half way through what has so far been a great 4th season. Also, as predicted, MTV has ordered a fifth season as it was announced last week at Comic-Con.

Teen Wolf airs Monday nights, 10/9c on MTV.

[Photo via MTV]

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