credit: Shrek 4
There is such a thing as overdoing a fairy tale, and no matter what people say, pushing things to a certain degree can and usually does wear out the tale that so many people enjoyed when it first arrived. In that respect, Shrek 5 and the idea that it’s been kicked around and perhaps even advanced as a viable movie idea inspires more irritation and frustration with some folks than anything else. But the fact that Antonio Banderas, the voice behind Puss in Boots, has let slip the idea that Shrek 5 might be coming down the pipeline at one point is enough to make some people cheer wildly and hope that the green ogre will arrive sooner rather than later, while others might roll their eyes and wonder when the tale is finally going to reach a satisfying conclusion for fans. To be fair, the movies have been a lot of fun, but there is a point when such stories do tend to become stale and run out of viable ideas to present to the fans. The last movie wasn’t bad at all, but it did reach a conclusion that felt as though it should be left alone since it had reached such a high note after so much misery and pain.

credit: Shrek 4
Shrek’s story has been told and should be left alone at this point.
The tale of the green ogre has been told from the first to the fourth movie in a very effective manner that has taken him from being bitter and alone to having a family of his own and an entire race that he belongs to. Shrek has been on a hero’s journey. He’s had to deal with tough friendships, he’s had to come to grips with love and the idea of being a husband and a father, and he’s had to endure a hard choice that left him without anything or anyone. That kind of makes it clear that he’s been through enough at this time, and should probably be left alone save for short episodes here and there that might be great for the holidays and for special occasions. Bringing him back for another story makes one wonder who is going to come back for the voice roles since Mike Myers might return, but whether Cameron Diaz and the rest would make the return trip is hard to say.
The unfortunate part is that there are a lot of fairy tales that could contribute to another story.
Shrek does intersect with a lot of other fairy tales, so it’s easy to think that he might be given another question to take on or could possibly find himself embroiled in another conundrum that might see him travel to distant, faraway lands again in order to bring something or someone back to help the kingdom. One could even say that the insertion of King Arthur into the third movie might leave a big opening for Shrek to return and help out the king, which might mean that Justin Timberlake might even get a call to see if he might like to join in on the fun. But whichever tale was bound to be developed, it’s easy to think that Shrek 5 would see the return of a lot of different fairy tale creatures since this is one of the big draws of the movies, given that Shrek is considered a fairy tale creature as well.

credit: Shrek 4
At some point, one has to wonder if the plan is to show Shrek’s kids and how they’ll carry the story.
Fergus, Farkle, and Felicia have to grow up at some point, as do Donkey and Dragon’s kids, which is kind of a disturbing thought since the idea of grown Dragon donkeys flying around is kind of awkward. But gearing an adventure around the kids feels like it would be kind of a letdown unless such a movie could be fashioned in the same manner as the original movies. Depending on the voice actors that were procured it could work, but it still feels like something that fans would need to get used to, and after four movies of Shrek, it does feel like a big risk.
Mike Myers and Eddie Murphy are great actors, but eventually, it feels that even they might want to step away from this.
There have been so many celebrity names that have been attached to Shrek that one has to wonder how many of them would really want to come back and how many think that the story is fine the way it is. The fourth movie did end on a high note and it did show that Shrek had come a long way from being a grumpy old ogre. If asked, it does feel that Murphy and Myers might say yes under certain conditions, but the hope is that this movie doesn’t take off. If it does, the story needs to be something entirely new, even if the same old gags might still be acceptable.
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