The Society
Remember a day when those that had any type of disability would have been held back or in some way discriminated against? In those days guys like Sean Berdy might not have risen to prominence as he has but might have instead been told they would never amount to anything and then ignored. But thankfully in this era we tend to encourage people that have what some would call handicaps and others would call natural birth defects that happen on occasion. Sean Berdy is one of those folks that has taken what he was born with and worked with it until he’s finally made his way into show business where he can put his talents to use and his supposed handicap doesn’t matter any longer. In fact it’s safe to say that Sean is among the many that would laugh at the way things were back then.
Here are a few things you didn’t know about him.
10. He started practicing comedy at a young age.
Sean would do improv for his family and friends since he was so impressed by performing. He was quite the comedian when he was younger apparently and has always had a knack for entertaining those that watch him. Not having much of a voice is no impediment at all.
9. He’s in The Sandlot 2.
As a fan of the original it almost seems like a sacrilegious act to make any more, but being as some people probably enjoyed it, oh well. He plays Fingers, a rascally kid like his friends that takes possession, along with them, of the original sandlot.
8. He’s always been fascinated with magic.
He’s even won an award for his use of magic, thereby kind of justifying his love for it in a way. The sleight of hand used in many magic tricks seems like it would be child’s play to someone that uses sign language on a regular basis.
7. He’s deaf.
He was born deaf, which back in the day, meaning several decades ago, meant a much harder and less fulfilling life in some cases. But thanks to sign language and a great deal of inventions ad public awareness of the deaf culture he’s managed to thrive.
6. He’s gone around the nation raising deaf awareness.
This is rather important to be honest since the deaf culture is very real and it affects a lot more people than some might think. Being deaf is just the simple loss or absence of one of the core senses that many human beings have. It’s a completely different lifestyle that has just as many tenets to it as any other.
5. He was in Switched at Birth.
This show is primarily about two young women that were switched at birth, hence the name, and thus were subjected to very different lives. When one of them finds out that her blood type is incompatible with her parents she obviously raises the question of how this could have happened.
4. Jim Carrey is his acting idol.
Whatever you think about Jim Carrey he isn’t the worst role model in the world since quite honestly he’s shown that anyone can be successful if they’re willing to try hard enough and push their limits continually. Whether he idolizes him enough to take on the same kind of arguments that Carrey has entered into in recent years is unknown.
3. He’s gained the nickname “signing ninja”.
If you’ve ever watched people signing then you know that finger movements are very crucial when it comes to understanding what is being said. There is punctuation and emphasis in sign language, and some folks have to slow it down to make it obvious. But Sean is apparently a very quick signer, which earned him the nickname and has likely confused a few people as they might ask him to slow down. Think of a person that talks so fast that you only hear every third to fourth word, then you might have the right idea.
2. His immediate family is deaf.
His parents and sibling are deaf as well, which isn’t unheard of since whatever causes the condition can in fact be passed along to one’s children. In one respect though it does make it easier to teach one’s kids how to adjust to being deaf in a hearing world and help them to adapt. That kind of support is hard to find if you’re the only deaf person in a hearing family.
1. His aunt predicted that he would be a star.
Being deaf is an impediment from a biological standpoint but honestly it’s never stopped Sean from doing what he wanted to do. His aunt predicted that he’d be someone famous and lo and behold, look what’s happened. He hasn’t let his deafness stop him, and in fact it’s helped his career quite a bit.
The only things you can’t do are the things you don’t ever try.Jim Carrey
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