Saw is Getting Another Sequel Only It’s Not Called Saw Anymore

Saw is Getting Another Sequel Only It’s Not Called Saw Anymore

Here’s something I’m going to throw out there despite the fact that millions of people simply don’t understand it or merely refuse to acknowledge it.  When you make money at something, anything, there’s a very high likelihood that you will keep doing that thing until it doesn’t make anymore.  Why should that be different in the movie business?  So many “purist” fans of cinema are against films have sequels, prequels, reboots, etc etc.  But in their own lives if they invented some product that made millions, they’d gladly come out with a second, third, and fourth version of said product.

Hey, even I get pissed off at movies for having sequels but from a business stand point you just can’t get annoyed at a studio that churns out movies that are profitable.  Speaking of which, the Saw franchise is getting an 8th movie.  Yup, an 8th film only now it’s going to be called Jigsaw.   Isn’t that lovely?  You have to admit though.  This is pretty darned impressive for a horror movie.  I think only Jason Vorhees has more movies in one franchise than Saw does when it comes to horror.   According to Joblo

Even though we all thought the Saw franchise played its last game back in 2010 a new entry in the series is heading our way, proving once and for all nothing stays truly dead in the film world. To ensure you never forget that again, Lionsgate has just unveiled a brand-spanking new title for their upcoming torture fest — Jigsaw.

Formerly known as Saw:Legacy, a new logo for the movie has been released with the date of October 27 attached, hinting we could see a teaser trailer sometime soon. The movie was shot in secret last fall, and though little is known about the movie we can assume from the title that Tobin Bell, the man behind the doll, will make an appearance.

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