10 Things You Didn’t Know about Ryder Robinson

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Ryder Robinson

Ryder Robinson has a famous name, but can you pinpoint where he got it? This young man has been famous since the day he was born – no, he’s been famous since the day his mother announced her pregnancy with her first baby. He is the son of the exceptionally famous Kate Hudson, actress, designer, and daughter of the equally famous Goldie Hawn. He is also the son of the Black Crowes singer Chris Robinson. He is the only child his mother and father had together throughout the course of their short marriage, and he is now an adult of 18. He’s making headlines for announcing his relationship status on Instagram following valentine’s day 2022, and now everyone wants to know him.

1. He Has a Famous Girlfriend

While the teenage son of a celebrity doesn’t get too much attention when he’s just minding his business, he does get some publicity when he posts a photo of himself kissing the daughter of Judd Apatow and Leslie Mann on his Instagram account the day after Valentine’s Day. These two are in a relationship, and the world now knows.

2. His Mom Approves

When he posted his photo, she commented on it with some hearts and the word ‘sweets’ which tells us she is not too upset that her baby boy is dating. She must like Apatow and Mann, and that’s not uncommon. They are wildly famous, and it’s clear they likely know one another. Iris Apatow is a darling young woman of only 19, so they do make a cute couple.

3. Her Mom Approves

His photo of himself and Iris Apatow seems to have a lot of approval online. Even Iris’ mother, Leslie Mann, approves. She posted a sweet triple red heart comment that tells us she is also happy for her daughter and her daughter’s boyfriend.

4. No One Knows How Long They’ve Dated

What’s so interesting, however, is that no one really knows how long they’ve been together. They are clearly together enough for their parents to like their significant other and to be happy for them, and they are together enough to go out for Valentine’s Day, but how long have they been dating?

5. He Went to the Super Bowl

He did not go with his girlfriend, though. He had another date, and they were photographed together. He went to the Super Bowl with his adorable mother, and he and Kate Hudson made quite the cute couple. She doesn’t look much older than her son, and they are certainly adorable.

6. He is Very Close to His Family

He and his mom, his father, and his grandparents are quite close. He spends a great deal of time with his family, and it is clear that they are the kind of family that enjoys spending time together. They clearly have fun, they have a good time, and they make the kind of time that is needed to have a happy family. They are adorable together, and we love it.

7. He Love His Sister

His mother’s youngest baby is only a few years old, and her name is Rani Rose. He and his sister are adorable together, and he shares many photos of her on his Instagram account. He clearly loves being an older brother to a little sister, and it’s adorable.

8. He is Making Movies

From all accounts, it appears that this young man is making the same moves as his mother and hopes to one day get into the acting business. It seems that he is making movies and sharing them on his Instagram account alongside his friends, so perhaps this is somewhat a reality for him.

9. He is Musical

It would be odd if he were not, given that his father is a famous rock star and all. He does play guitar. It might be easy to assume that his own father taught him to do that, but we honestly don’t know who taught him to play or if he simply taught himself.

10. He’s Private

At the age of 18, he knows a thing or two about keeping his life to himself. He has just shy of 100k followers on Instagram, but he only shares on occasion. He doesn’t share too much about his personal life, though he does share so much of what his family is about. His relationship photo with Iris Apatow is literally the first personal thing he’s shown the world in some time, and they were clamoring for more before the post was live for even 4 minutes.Leslie Mann

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