Roswell New Mexico Season 3: Why You Should Watch It

Roswell New Mexico Season 3: Why You Should Watch It

Jason Katims’ Roswell was one of the pioneer sci-fi series during the late 90s. The touching story of three aliens crash landing in Roswell intrigued viewers. The series aired from 1999 to 2002 with three thrilling seasons. When the reboot of Roswell premiered in January 2019, fans met it with mixed reactions. Still, Roswell: New Mexico managed to get steady ratings on the CW channel and a decent fan following. Now the much-awaited series is back with a third season. Here is why you should be excited about Season 3 of Roswell, New Mexico.

Liz Returns To Roswell

Season 2 of Roswell, New Mexico, ended on a rather sad note for the main couple in the series. Liz and Max didn’t end up together; instead, they grew even further apart. Liz took the scientist job in California with Genoryx and left Max behind. Season 3 starts a year after the events of season 2. From the few episodes in season 3, it’s clear something pulled Liz back to the small town. It will be exciting to see if they rekindle their romantic relationship after the year apart. The latest news about season 3 has also confirmed that Liz will have a new love interest. Max might not be pleased about that fact. Actor Steven Krueger confirmed joining the cast as Liz’s lab colleague named Heath. Steven is famous for his role as the vampire, Josh Rosza from Vampire Diaries and The Originals. It will be interesting to see Max on the other side of the love triangle.

Rosa’s Alien Powers & Rehab

Fans of Liz Ortega’s sister, Rosa, who came back from the dead, will also feature in the new season. By season 2’s end, she was battling her sobriety, and now she is alive again. In season 3, Rosa makes a massive step to rehab and face her demons once and for all. Her decision pays off since she’s back working at the Crashdown cafe with their father. The freaky alien powers she got from Max resurrecting her will also appear in the new season. The season will also reveal other side effects of her years in the alien pod. It will be fun to see her learn how to use her unique abilities. What will it mean for her as Liz’s sister?

Maria Using Her Powers To Save Lives

Another character who will get more screen time is Maria. Her ability to see the future through her visions will be a significant part of Season 3. If you think she didn’t get her chance to shine in the earlier seasons, you should watch the new season. It is both exciting and terrifying as a fan since the more Maria uses her power, the more her health deteriorates. Maria proved in season 2 that she doesn’t care if she loses herself as her mother did because of the visions. Will her brain survive trying to prevent the imagination of a Valenti funeral?

More of Alex & Michael’s Love Story

One of the hottest relationships in Roswell, New Mexico, is between Michael and Alex, aka ‘Malex.’ The ex-military man broke up with Michael after realizing they were in a complicated love triangle with Maria. Now a year later, it will be interesting to see where everyone stands. Michael and Alex might rekindle their relationship since they are both single in season 3. Alex has joined a secret organization called Deep Sky while Michael focuses on sobering up to help the gang. At the moment, Michael is the only one trying to figure out the pieces of alien technology they found in season 2.

Jones as Season 3’s Villain

One primary cliffhanger season 3 of New Mexico will put to rest is what exactly are Jones’s intentions. In season 2, the introduction of Max’s clone to the series came as a shock to everyone. The new episodes will explain Jones’s origins and his true evil intentions. Max’s clone manages to escape the prison in the cave and wreaks havoc in Roswell. The mystery around him will keep you intrigued in the new season. Viewers will get to see his origin story from when he arrived on earth and his relationship with Max, Isobel, and Alex. If you’ve been waiting for a badass villain to shake things up in the film, Season 3 has just what you need. He makes up for the lack of a concrete villain in Season 2.

More 1940’s Flashbacks

One of the best parts of Roswell New Mexico season 2 had to be the flashbacks during season 2, episode 3. This episode was a fan favorite because of the appearance of Jason Behr as Tripp during the 1947 spaceship crash in Roswell. Fans of the original might be lucky to see him in a few more scenes during season 3. Since there is still so much left to explain the events in 1947, there might be more flashback scenes. Max, Michael, and Liz grow closer to their human friends as they discover their alien origins. Liz, Valenti, Alex, and Maria work even harder to safeguard their strange secret from the world.Vampire Diaries

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