Remembering Rob Cobb: Influential Designer and Artist Passes Away

Remembering Rob Cobb: Influential Designer and Artist Passes Away

The measure of a person’s life isn’t gauged just by their success stories, but by the impact their life and work had on so many others. Rob Cobb might not be a well-known name to many people since to be quite honest many don’t know much about those that don’t show up in the initial credits of a movie, but his name was one of those that was a pleasure for many to see on set. His inclusion to a movie set meant that there would be some seriously great input when it came to the designs that would eventually be put to use and would one day be highly influential in the world of pop culture. He was responsible for several ideas throughout many movies such as Star Wars and Back to the Future, as he came up with a number of great designs between the two that went on to be used by the directors and were picked up by fans and shared from one generation to another. His credits weren’t that plentiful compared to some, but the impact his work has had on other areas of pop culture has been noted in a big way since without some of his ideas it’s very likely that we wouldn’t have some of the marvels we’ve seen on the big screen in the past few decades.

All it takes is a quick look around at pop culture and you’ll likely see many of Rob’s contributions since many of those that he helped to create are still around and are still insanely popular since they happen to have become icons that people revere and have been deemed as irreplaceable by many. What a lot of people still don’t realize is that the number of people that work on a movie includes more than just the actors, directors, and more visible individuals that do their own part. Entire teams of people work on designs, the artwork, and the overall layout of the movies that are pushed to the public, and many of them do so without getting a whole lot of credit at the end of the project, apart from a paycheck and their name in the credit scroll that’s featured at the end of the movie. But really, how many people watch the credits go by that often? What compensates for this thankfully is the fact that individuals such as Robb are highly valued by those they work with and are seen as a great asset to have on set, as many people have spoken up about this position and have spoken up about Rob’s passing. It goes without saying, even though I’m saying it, that the contributions that are made by those don’t always go unnoticed since having those that he worked with speak up about what he gave to the job is uplifting in a big way.

It does make a person wonder just what a lot of movies would look like if Rob and those that share his line of work hadn’t been present at that time or if inspiration had struck them in a different way. Just think of what certain aspects of each movie would have been like if he and many others had thought of something completely off the cuff and gone with it. There’s a lot more credit t obe given to those that design various aspects of a movie, and yet many of them are happy just to be able to give something that will be used on the big screen since the thrill of it is great, knowing that you contributed somehow. The idea that anyone’s aspirations could hit a certain peak and sustain them is an alien thought to some folks, but it would appear that Rob enjoyed what he did and was happy to be helping out on the various movies that he was a part of in some way. The pride in one’s work is sometimes enough to get a person by, but the paycheck definitely helps, and one can easily guess that Rob didn’t do too badly since those in his position can make a pretty good living once they get past the entry-level work, and can make even more depending on how valuable their services are. Considering the fact that Rob worked on some of the biggest movies of all time it’s fair to say that he did quite well since he was the kind of guy that directors would actually talk about and want to come back more than once.

It’s sad to see anyone with such influence go, but at this point and time in life it’s something that we all have to admit is going to happen at one point or another. The manner in which Rob passed away, due to dementia, is not a favored way to go by any means, but at this time the struggle with the said condition is over. Rest in peace sir, you’ll be missed.

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