Back in 2000, the movie The Beach was released in theaters across the United States. The film made a decent amount of money at the box office, but it was harshly criticized by others in the industry. Even though the movie starred one of the most popular individuals of its time, Leonardo DiCaprio, it still didn’t change the minds of movie critics who simply didn’t seem to like anything about the film whatsoever. The truth is, they didn’t even like his acting, saying his performance was one of the worst ones they witnessed in recent memory.
Despite all of these negative reviews, the move has since become something of a cult classic. Some might even argue, quite successfully, that it’s far more popular now than it ever was at the time of its release.
The original movie was based on a book of the same name that was written by Alex Garland. At the time, he wrote books for a living and little else to do with anything in the cinema or in television. Since then, all that has changed. He now routinely writes screenplays, one of them being for the new Annihilation, which has critics buzzing. Recently, he sort of let the cat out of the bag, so to speak, when he was asked whether or not there would ever be a remake of The Beach.
He said that someone he respects a great deal is actually working on creating a remake of the movie at the present time. While he didn’t provide a lot of details or talk about the new project at any length, the fact that he mentioned it at all is enough to get a lot of people excited. For the most part, individuals who love the original are excited to see what might happen with a new adaptation, as well. In addition, many people who currently follow Garland’s work are anxiously awaiting its premiere. As far as they are concerned, if the new project s good enough to satisfy him, then it’s good enough for them, as well.
Right now, there really aren’t any details about the project other than the fact that someone is working on it. With the exception of Garland and a few other choice individuals, no one even knows who is heading up the new project, much less who will ultimately be involved as far as cating the remake goes.
That also means that there is no specific date set for the release of this movie. At the present time, there doesn’t even appear to be a date set for filming. This is definitely something that fans will have to wait for, but as they say, good things come to those who wait.
Remakes can sometimes represent a slippery slope when it comes to success. They are always compared to the original, as you might expect. In some cases, they actually do better than the original, but in many cases, they fall dismally short. No one knows what will ultimately happen with this one, but for anyone who liked the original movie, it is definitely something to look forward to.
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