Red Hood the Fan Series is Looking Forward to Another Season

Red Hood Fan Series

Sometimes in order to get a really good accounting of a series you need to see it keep going for another season, which is what the creators of Red Hood, the fan series, are trying to do. So far they’ve managed to create a series that’s been fairly successful and low budget and has captured the attention of a lot of fans that continue to express their gratitude and desire to see more. Jason Todd has been a figure that’s turned a lot of heads in the past and is only getting warmer with each rendering as he continues to don the red hood in order to fight crime and, too often it would seem, his fellow crime fighters as they continue to disagree about the methods he uses in taking down the bad guys.

When you start thinking about the whole idea of who the Red Hood is and what he does in order to mete out justice is in some strange way the best that anyone could hope for. Vigilantism is of course frowned upon by legitimate law officials and does tend to create more problems as more and more people find it necessary to go and take care of the problems themselves, but in a sense it’s also far more effective as it cuts through the difficulties that might arise from attempting to convict and hold criminals in a manner that is consistent with the laws that are on the books. Entire debates have been focused around the idea that vigilantes are better and worse than law enforcement since they get the job done on a more regular basis and yet they have their own personal bias that could be driving them rather than a need for justice. The Red Hood series is obviously more the latter than the former since he has a very clear idea in mind and doesn’t seem to mind who’s in the crosshairs most times even though he is out for justice in a very violent way.

But with this show it seems the creators are at the very least trying to do something that’s become easy to watch since not only is it for sheer entertainment without having to think about the moral implications of it, but it’s also something that a lot of people haven’t really touched upon yet. The Red Hood is one of the more tragic characters in the DC universe when you really think about it and despite the fact that he seeks to punish those that do wrong he’s something of a hypocrite since he goes about his business in one of the most ruthless ways possible. But it could be that the antihero is what people are wanting at this time since the good, noble, and upright heroes have become somewhat predictable and less than pleasing considering that they’re more for letting the villain live to try and make them repent or at least pay a penance for their crimes rather than getting rid of elements in society that are bound to commit the same crimes if they escape or are set free. The whole draw of the antihero isn’t so much that they kick some serious butt and aren’t going to be nice about it, but it is that they’ll gladly eliminate those they deem as too dangerous to exist out of simple practicality. Having morals and a code of ethics isn’t a big thing for an antihero unless it’s absolutely necessary in a given situation.

But before we start talking about what’s going to happen in the next season it needs to be said that the show needs to start receiving the kind of views that will make others stand up and take notice that this is in fact one of the better shows out there and that it deserves yet another chance to show just how it’s become one of the more enticing programs around. From the well-designed costumes and the characters that wear them to the adherence to the story lines that have been adapted this show is nothing less than amazing since those in charge have taken great pains to make it stand out as much as possible in order to gain the attention it needs. The viewers responded in a big way towards the first couple seasons and now it’s a matter of getting them to up the numbers yet again so that the Red Hood can come back once more and show the fans that he’s got a lot more where that came from. Vigilante justice is a definite draw for a lot of fans just as it’s been for decades now, and Red Hood is perhaps one of the most vicious antiheroes around. But would we change a thing about him? If you haven’t seen the first two seasons yet give them a look and make sure to add your voice to others who want to see Red Hood return for a third run.

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