Professor Wears “Iron Man” Mask to Hide Expression While Grading Papers

Professor Wears “Iron Man” Mask to Hide Expression While Grading Papers

There may be a new trend taking place within the higher education arena. It all began in the International Islamic University in Malaysia. The instructor decided to try something new. He donned an Iron Mask and wore it during class so the students could not see his facial expressions when he was grading their work. It was a bit shocking at first, and 18 year old Nur Izyan Farhani Binti Arifin snapped a picture of him during the thinking skills class that she was taking with him. Could this new approach possible catch on with other instructors?

Marvel fans arise

It just so happens that the instructor is a Marvel fan, and this was the inspiration for his experiment. His intention was to lower the level of nervousness among students, while taking a novel approach. We don’t really need to guess about which Marvel character is his favorite. The professor has gained some notoriety over the event, but it didn’t serve his intended purpose entirely. Because students really can’t tell what he’s thinking during the grading process, some of them actually worry more about it. A few have indicated that the mask could signal a bad sign that their grades are going in the wrong direction.

Is it for the students or for the professor?

Grading papers in front of the students can incite some real fear for the students, especially if they’re uncertain of how well that they performed, but is it possible that the professor was feeling some guilt over doling out bad grades? It must be tough to give out bad marks while your student is watching you grade his paper. The mask has a double effect. It hides his expressions from the students, but it also gives him a more anonymous appearance, similar to hiding what he’s thinking. Nazriq Ahmad is the famous instructor who has taken to social media, thanks to his students and fans. Ahmad is even hoping to get some additional feedback from Robert Downey Jr., and now that you mention it, we’d all like to hear his opinion.

The final verdict

Most think that it’s novel and even sweet, so the majority are appreciative. These must be the students who feel confident in their performance on tests. Some find it funny and it does put them more at ease. The interjection of humor, many feel is a good idea. Ahmad has transformed what otherwise could be a boring experience to a lighter and humorous atmosphere. His goal was to liven things up because students absorb information better when their stress levels are lower.

Making novel changes to the grading process is certainly nothing new. There have been multiple professors who have made adjustments that are intended to help students chill and have a good time in class, but so far as we know, Ahmad is the only one that has donned the Iron Man mask to accomplish his goals. From all appearances, his intentions are creative and genuine. He may be the most popular professor in Malaysia as well as on the internet at this moment in time. We’ll soon find out if there are going to be any copy cat teachers.

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