Photoshopping Kellyanne Conway Sitting on the Oval Office Couch

Photoshopping Kellyanne Conway Sitting on the Oval Office Couch

If you aren’t aware of a subreddit by the name of PsBattle on Reddit then you should be.   It’s a very simple game.  Someone posts a picture that looks like it has the opportunity to be hilariously photoshopped.  In most cases the picture stands on its own in terms of humor or potential to raise eyebrows.  Today’s PsBattle is a picture of Kellyanne Conway sitting in the Oval Office using her smart phone.  Honestly I don’t think photos get any easier than this.  For whatever reason her shoes are off and she’s sitting like a 5-year-old girl.

Conway’s been pretty quiet since being silenced from the TV and it’s leading to speculation about what her actual role in the White House is now.  From the looks of this picture I’m sure many of you can think of a bunch of ideas. The crazy thing is that this picture is real.  Yes, it’s real.  The photo has been circulating around the internet for the past 12 hours and now it’s finally getting the photoshop treatment.

Below you’ll see some selections I found to be the funniest from Reddit users.  Feel free to submit your own!

Photoshopping Kellyanne Conway Sitting on the Oval Office Couch

Photoshopping Kellyanne Conway Sitting on the Oval Office Couch

Photoshopping Kellyanne Conway Sitting on the Oval Office Couch

Photoshopping Kellyanne Conway Sitting on the Oval Office Couch

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