Four TV Plot Developments That Are Usually Lame
There are only a certain amount of things you can do with a plot on a TV show when the show runs for so long. As such, many shows contain the same kind of lif
There are only a certain amount of things you can do with a plot on a TV show when the show runs for so long. As such, many shows contain the same kind of lif
This week's Once Upon a Time finally showed us Emma's past and revealed the identity of the mystery man from the season 2 premiere.
The Fringe team struggles to move forward after their devastating loss as Peter gives himself over to revenge against the Observers.
Nick meets a Grimm that's hell-bent on taking out as many Wesen as possible, while Renard and Juliette's connection moves to the next level.
The girls model with dolphins (before riding them away), try to avoid being swept away by water, and hope Kristin forgot her butcher knife on Top Model.
If you’ve been wondering when exactly Brody will be called into service for the CIA, the answer is … SPOILER ALERT … this Sunday. After al
There are some moments in television that end up blowing your mind for years to come. Some can be summed up in a single line of dialogue that sticks with you
Elena, Bonnie and Damon take a trip to college and find out what Connor's big secret is on The Vampire Diaries.
“Okay Finch, how am I supposed to save a woman who wants to put me on the front page?” That’s the problem facing Finch and Reese this week as the Ma