New Girl “Cooler” Review – The Kiss Seen ‘Round the World
A HUGE development occurred on New Girl last night. What was it? Find out by reading our review of "Cooler," New Girl's newest episode.
A HUGE development occurred on New Girl last night. What was it? Find out by reading our review of "Cooler," New Girl's newest episode.
Can I just say that I’m absolutely loving the look of the TUF? When the TUF moved from his home on Spike to FX, I had reservations on whether FX
Yay! A second episode of Happy Endings! Um question: Do you have a have a wedding to have a hot wing cake? How bout enjoying one on a Friday night? Also, I w
If there is one thing to take away from last night’s episode of Happy Endings it’s that you never ever underestimate the stupid/aloof friend in
There's a flu outbreak in BlueBell, while Lemon attempts to learn the art of seduction and Lavon falls for a co-star on a new Hart of Dixie.
Tonight on The Carrie Diaries, Carrie discovered why her dad forbade her from seeing Sebastian, while Mouse and Maggie dealt with their own boy trouble.
Kenya Moore gave us more to "shake our damn heads" at as the Battle of the Booty turned uglier on last night's episode of The Real Housewives of Atlanta.
An Original causes chaos and the race for the cure continues on The Vampire Diaries.
The madness surely ended in last night's finale to American Horror Story: Asylum. And we miss it already...