You may not know her face just yet, but you KNOW Erica Messer. The TV vet worked as a writer on small screen faves such as Alias, The OC, and Charmed before f
Patty Gopez
February 1, 2014
Last week, I noted Banshee‘s ambitions to dig into its setting further, leading to one of the show’s most intriguing hours. “BloodlinesR
Randy Dankievitch
February 1, 2014
Last night’s episode of Parks and Recreation had the difficult task of saying goodbye to Ann and Chris, and much like last week’s Community, which
Chris King
January 31, 2014
During this week’s episode of Revolution, some of the characters finally had the opportunity to blow off some steam. We were left last week with Connor
Lindsay Bradley
January 31, 2014
Thursday’s episode of The Vampire Diaries had everything that makes this show so addictive. There was the long-awaited reunion scene between Damon a
Jen Winkler
January 31, 2014
This was a bittersweet episode of Elementary. On one hand, its central mystery is a forced mix of contrivances and predictability; on the other, we see a new
Anthony Nowicke
January 31, 2014
Community has to settle into a rhythm again. Pierce is laid to rest, and Troy is off to sea. Following two great episodes, “Analysis of Cork-Based Netwo
Anthony Nowicke
January 31, 2014
Gabby Douglas has accomplished quite a bit in the 18 years she has been alive. In 2012, she became the first African American Olympian to be named the Individ
Tim Gerstenberger
January 30, 2014
The Tomorrow People has only had a few flaws so far in its first season and one of them has been the lack of Madeleine Mantock’s Astrid. “Sitting Duck
Andy Behbakht
January 30, 2014