Movie Recap: The Maze Runner
The Maze Runner is a 2014 post-apocalyptic film featuring Thomas Brodie-Sangster, Patricia Clarkson, Dylan O’Brien, Will Poulter, and Kaya Scodelario. Unfor
The Maze Runner is a 2014 post-apocalyptic film featuring Thomas Brodie-Sangster, Patricia Clarkson, Dylan O’Brien, Will Poulter, and Kaya Scodelario. Unfor
When you think of romantic movies, what plot lines would you expect? Maybe the two lovers came from the extremes of society, like one is poor and the other is
The Peanuts Movie is a 2015 animated film featuring some characters from the Peanuts comic strip, particularly the major ones. The story had some overarching
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Ah, yes, The Simpsons, that one animated show that was often the subject of everything from predictions of the future to parodies and of course, memes. The sh
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1899 Was Cancelled Despite Strong Viewership New year. Same old Netflix. Unfortunately, the series to get the axe this time is 1899. This is somewhat a surpri
Gerard Butler wants a break from one role, in particular, to focus on a few other projects. The role of Secret Service agent Mike Banning is one that has been