ABC’s Castle Takes Two Steps Forward & One Step Back
Castle season 8 episode 16 is called “Heartbreaker” – but it’s not a reflection of how it makes the viewer feel – thank goodness
Castle season 8 episode 16 is called “Heartbreaker” – but it’s not a reflection of how it makes the viewer feel – thank goodness
I’m a huge horror fan, and one of my surprise favorite horror movies in the past couple of years was Oculus, the critically-acclaimed mainstream debut
Many might think Elena was the core of The Vampire Diaries and while I won’t disagree that something’s been missing without her, I still would arg
Last Man Standing is a good show because it sticks to what works. While straying from innovation can sometimes lead to stale, boring sitcoms, that is not the
The traditional wisdom of the past decade has held that there is a strict divide between the adaptations of DC and Marvel comics. While Marvel has not been
Before I begin this review of the third season finale of Sleepy Hollow, I would like to say one thing: The scene where Pandora double-crossed the Witnesses (m
Since Lou Grover first came to Hawaii two years ago, he has become Ohana to Five-0. To quote Lilo & Stitch “Ohana means family, and family means nob
The Big Bad has been in our midst all season long on The Originals. Only now the difference is everyone is onto Lucien. Hayley and Klaus investigate what he
This week’s Arrow was a tragic and painful one for fans of the character Dinah Laurel Lance a.k.a. the Black Canary, who was portrayed by the outstandi