The Night Agent’s Full Mole Plot & Conspiracy Explained

Netflix’s newest suspense-filled, action-driven series, The Night Agent, continues the tradition of conspiracy drama shows such as The Recruit and Treason. This series is an adaptation of Matthew Quirk‘s novel of the same title, and it follows FBI agent Peter Sutherland (Gabriel Basso). His job, often mocked, involves manning phones during the “Night Action” shift within the White House basement, a position thought to be uneventful.

However, one particular evening, an unexpected call catapults Peter into a world of international conspiracies, a bombing, and a double agent working within the upper echelons of the U.S. government. Unraveling the identity of this inside man, a person deemed “the untrustworthy one within the White House,” is a major puzzle. Needless to say, it keeps the audience hooked throughout the first season of the series.

How Did The Night Agent End?

The Night Agent’s Full Mole Plot & Conspiracy Explained

As The Night Agent draws near its conclusion, Vice President Redfield’s fixation on assassinating Omar Zadar persists. Redfield cannot stomach the prospect of Zadar triumphing in the elections and perceives President Travers as being excessively lenient towards him. These concerns are what motivated him to mastermind the metro bombing.

However, the plot’s strategies have evolved, prompting Redfield to stop providing updates to Diane Farr. His updated agenda involves orchestrating an explosion at Camp David, where Zadar is set to meet the President. This revised plan aims to eliminate both Zadar and the President, a line that Farr wouldn’t cross. Upon discovering Redfield’s new machinations, Farr switches sides to assist Peter.

Redfield perceives the President as a foe and devises a strategy to eliminate her and Zadar. Despite his numerous allies, the last moments of The Night Agent  see Redfield confronted by competent agents determined to derail his plans. This group includes Peter Sutherland, Rose Larkin, Secret Service agent Chelsea Arrington and Maddie, Redfield’s daughter.

The Night Agent wraps up with a satisfying conclusion, explaining how each narrative thread is neatly tied up. Peter successfully prevents the President’s assassination, leading to the capture of Redfield and Zarr. Chelsea Arrington earns a promotion, becoming part of the President’s team. Meanwhile Peter transitions into the role of a proactive Night Agent, undertaking international missions.

At the same time, Rose contemplates setting up a new venture in California. One of the final revelations pertains to Peter’s father, who is exposed as a traitor who sold classified information to foreign entities. In a surprising twist, he agrees to aid the American secret service in capturing these enemies. However, before he can inflict any damage, the foreign agents discover his intentions and end his life.

Who Was The Mole In The Night Agent?

The Night Agent’s Full Mole Plot & Conspiracy Explained

From the very first episode, a crucial plot detail is passed down to Rose by her dying aunt and uncle. It’s a warning about an untrustworthy individual in the White House. Their ominous forecast of events repeating seven days drives Rose and Peter on a quest for the truth. It ends up leading them to operate independently. Eventually, they unravel the malicious mastermind behind the metro bombing.

The plot suggests a mole nestled in the heart of the White House, deeply involved in the metro bombing. Initial suspicions gravitate towards FBI Director Hawkins, owing to his apparent wealth of knowledge. His  suspicious meetings with sketchy characters plotting against Rose and Peter also point in that direction. However, the plot takes a twist when Hawkins, is revealed to have been actively investigating the origins of the bombing. The threat he posed led to his death, which confirmed that he was not the mole. The true antagonist of The Night Agent is revealed to be none other than Vice President Redfield.

Who Was Behind The Conspiracy?

The Night Agent’s Full Mole Plot & Conspiracy Explained

As the series progresses, it becomes apparent that all of the chaos, including the Metro bombing, are part of a broader scheme masterminded from the top ranks. This conspiracy traces back to Vice President Redfield and CEO and military contractor Gordon Wick. These two figures conspired to orchestrate the Metro bombing to assassinate the foreign political leader Omar Zadar – a plot that was thwarted by Peter’s prompt intervention.

Emma and Henry fell victim to the conspiracy due to their proximity to unearthing the truth about the bombing and Redfield’s involvement. As the story unfolds, it is revealed that Redfield and Wick harbored further sinister intentions. They planned to assassinate the President herself to prevent her from publicly endorsing Zadar.

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