23 Funny Facts About Jim Carrey Movies
When you talk about funny you don’t dare exclude Jim Carrey from the discussion. He’s got an encyclopedia worth of funny stuff in his resume, and
Movies coverage including spoilers, reviews, pictures, videos, recaps and interviews.
When you talk about funny you don’t dare exclude Jim Carrey from the discussion. He’s got an encyclopedia worth of funny stuff in his resume, and
We’ve all gotten excited at the prospect of a movie as seen from its trailer. We’ve also been all let down upon seeing some films having relied mu
Sometimes plot lines tend to go a little too long and the story can become extremely complicated when it should be simple. Here are some solutions to those ot
It’s so easy to go into huge debates over why clowns are scary by blaming the movies, TV shows, and other publications that paint clowns as the bad guys
HBO have just issued a trailer for the Lena Dunham produced short film “Tokyo Project”. “Girls” fans who have been experiencing withdrawal sym
The passing of Harry Dean Stanton on September 15th had fans and critics alike remembering him in his many roles over the last couple of decades. A common per
So it sounds like Rey is going to lose a limb in Star Wars: The Last Jedi. It’s not set in stone obviously but the consensus is that since Anakin Skywal
There seems to be a fundamental misunderstanding of the purpose of review aggregators: things like a movie’s Rotten Tomatoes score, Metacritic score or
Die Hard is known for at least one of the best catchphrases ever uttered onscreen, but it also has a lot of other interesting facts that you might not realize
Characters like Nurse Ratched from One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest is the kind of character that really only has one definition. She’s a bully. Sh