10 Things You Didn’t Know about Max Kallschmidt

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Max Kallschmidt

The name Max Kallschmidt might not ring any bells for you, but it’s going to. He’s a reality television star who spent some time making waves on the TLC Network. He was a guest star on the reality show called Welcome to Plathville, and now he is being shunned from the family, disgraced on national television, and he is not living his best life. Who is Max Kallschmidt, and what did he do to end up being the villain on a show about exceptionally religious people?

1. He’s a Former Reality Television Star

If you’re familiar with the network TLC, you know they like to showcase families with interesting storylines and backgrounds. Welcome to Plathville is one of them, and it follows the Plath family. Mom, dad, and their 9 kids are all working together, learning together, and growing together as they navigate life as a substantially larger than average family, and Kallschmidt is one of the former extras – more importantly, he is the ex-boyfriend of a Plath daughter.

2. He Broke Moriah Plath’s Heart

For those who don’t follow this show closely – or for those who’ve never heard of it – Max Kallschmidt dating Moriah Plath. She was a first-time dater, and they were serious enough that this young man shared a promise ring with his girlfriend when they’d been together for a while. Sadly, he couldn’t keep his promises to his girlfriend and when she left him to move to Tampa, he ended up finding himself involved with another woman. Things did not end peacefully between these two.

3. He is Undeniably Young and Wasn’t Ready for a Serious Relationship

While some of us can exchange vows at the age of 21 and still be deliriously happy and very much married at almost 40, some people are not there yet at the same age. Kallschmidt is one of those people. He’s 21, and he’s made it very clear he is not a man who is ready for marriage, for a serious relationship, or for anything that the future might hold when you love someone.

4. He’s Living in Georgia

We did mention that Moriah moved to Tampa, and he chose to stay home. Home, for Max, is in Georgia. He’s still living and working in Georgia despite the fact that he was actually born and raised in Florida, and he continues to share bits and pieces of his life in Georgia. He might not discuss his relationship much anymore, but he’s sharing his personal life via social media.

5. He is A Young Man Who Loves the Outdoors

He’s no different than most men who grow up in the south. The south is all about being outdoors as often as possible. The weather is beautiful most of the year, the outdoors are always calling, and fishing, hunting, and dining on the patio are all daily activities for most southern men. He’s into fishing and being outside, and it is one of the qualities that his former love interest found endearing about him when they were dating.

6. He has Gone Private

Perhaps with the show in full force and his cheating scandal being discussed on a regular basis, he’s chosen to keep his life a little more to himself. That’s all right, but he was a young man who did have a public Instagram account in the past. Now he’s gone private, and he only shares his life with those who follow along. Of course, he has more than 70k people following along, so it’s not that private, but he chooses to keep things to himself.

7. He Might Be Dating Someone Associated with The Plath Family

Here’s where things begin to seem confusing. Ethan Plath is married to Olivia Plath. Olivia married into the Plath family in 2018 – before they began their reality television journey – and she has a sister. Her sister is Lauren. There was some speculation earlier in 2022 that the two were together at a baseball game, and Max immediately shut off the comments on his social media page after that. He also deleted the photo when fans began asking if it was his ex-girlfriend’s sister-in-law’s sister. We just don’t know.

8. He is an Entrepreneur with His Own Company

While he doesn’t specify what he does with his life or his company, we do know that his own LinkedIn page has him listed as the Founder of Anchor 23 Marketing. His job essentially allows him to work with companies that want to market themselves to a bigger and more successful audience so they can grow their own businesses and see their success skyrocket.

9. He May Have Gone to College in Tallahassee

We do know that he was born and raised in Florida, but we are beginning to think that he might be from the Tallahassee area. His LinkedIn suggests that his company is headquartered in Florida’s capital city and that he went to college there. His profile lists Tallahassee Community College as his place of education.

10. He May be Looking for Some Privacy

Imagine being part of a reality show where you are the guy everyone loves, then you cheat on your very religious girlfriend after giving her a promise ring, and it’s all being filmed and documented for millions of viewers to watch. It can’t be comfortable, and we imagine his newfound private social media presence is his way of keeping people out of his life while he rides out the moments his life is being blown up on television.

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