Top Five Movies Of Margot Robbie’s Career

It’s stunning to learn that Margot Robbie only began her professional career in 2008. Of course, the actress had been studying and acting throughout her early years in school. But her rise to fame was pretty swift, thanks to her star-making performance in The Wolf of Wall Street. Since then, Robbie has carved out a nice path that has allowed the actress to showcase her talents in a diverse set of films.

Like most actors, there are a couple of misses in Margot Robbie’s filmography. But the actress herself always puts on a strong performance regardless. This list will highlight the best Margot Robbie movies, whether she was the lead, a supporting character, or a random background extra.

The Wolf of Wall Street

Margot Robbie movies

One of Martin Scorsese‘s wildest films ever made. The Wolf of Wall Street isn’t his best and does drag a bit. But it’s still a classic movie thanks to the eccentric story. Of course, Leonardo DiCaprio and Jonah Hill are the true stars here, as they have amazing chemistry with one another. The scene of both Jordan and Donnie tripping out while on Quaaludes is still one of the funniest scenes ever.

To witness the highs of Jordan Belfort was incredible. Sure, the guy was a con artist overall. But he lived a fantasy lifestyle that most of us only dream about. It’s a great character-driven piece on the greedy nature of Americans and how they’re willing to overlook morals and values for the mighty dollar. Margot Robbie’s role can’t be forgotten here, though she ends up being delegated to a simple housewife towards the later portion of the film. Her commanding presence in her early scenes with Leonardo is just as strong as the two lead actors in the film.

I, Tonya

Margot Robbie movie I TOnya

I, Tonya can be melodramatic at times, and the scattershot build to the Nancy Kerrigan attack was disappointing. But this is still a good film that continued to exemplify why Margot Robbie is such a strong actress. The scene where she puts on makeup after she’s given the news that she’ll never skate again was powerful. It’s likely the lone reason she received another Oscar nomination.

The characters really make the story of I, Tonya pop. Witnessing the dynamic with her mother, LaVona Golden (played by Allison Janney), was easily the most compelling aspect of the feature. Additionally, it helps viewers understand the struggles Tonya dealt with throughout her life. An amazing athlete whose career was cut short due to behind-the-scenes drama, I, Tonya does a good job of providing an understanding of the real-life figure.

Goodbye Christopher Robin

Goodbye Christopher Robin - Margot Robbie movie

There are countless stories about Winnie the Pooh and Christopher Robin. However, this is one of the better films. It’s an interesting blend of fantasy and war, and though it doesn’t always come together in its entire runtime, this is still a good film that demands your attention. The origins of how Winnie the Pooh was created turns out to be more of a fascinating watch than anticipated. Altogether, Domhball Gleeson does a great job of balancing the serious subject without it ever feeling over-the-top or cartoonish.

Once Upon a Time… In Hollywood

Margot Robbie Movie

Another Margot Robbie movie, the biggest crime in Once Upon a Time… In Hollywood is that she barely gets much love here. Oh, and the whole Bruce Lee thing is unbelievable (though Mike Moh was great as the iconic actor). Still, it’s hard not to list a movie that features an insane ending that results in a flamethrower being used. What’s great about Quentin Tarantino‘s films is that he manages to twist reality in a believable and, more importantly, entertaining manner. The chemistry between Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio is stellar, and the character-driven story holds weight as one of Oscar winner’s best.

The Suicide Squad

Top Five Movies Of Margot Robbie’s Career

It’s a shame that The Suicide Squad bombed at the box office because this is truly the film that should’ve come out first. James Gunn manages to capture the characteristics of the core cast strongly. He also taps into the colorful premise of criminals doing Amanda Waller’s dirty work. There are plenty of great twists and turns here. Even more, the rivalry between Bloodsport and Peacemaker is downright hilarious. The actress continues to shine as Harley Quinn, with the best line in this Margot Robbie movie being, “Recently, I made a promise to myself that the next time I got a boyfriend, I’d be on the lookout for red flags. And if I saw any, I would do the healthy thing, and I would murder him. And killing kids? Kind of a red flag.”

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