Ranking The Six Most Disliked Contestants from ‘Love Is Blind Season 6

What can easily be termed as the sauciest season of Love Is Blind (LIB), Season 6 delivered a blazing platter of deceit, drama, and genuinely appalling personalities to the viewers. Putting the red in red flags, the chauvinistic and superficial men left the viewers sick to their stomachs with their delusional perceptions and vile behavior. Arguably the worst set of participants to have been on the popular dating show, it’s no wonder that the season only yielded one successful match and an endless supply of hot tea! Wait till the end to see the only woman on this list! 

Love Is Blind, a popular Netflix reality show created by Chris Coelen, debuted on February 13, 2020. It is a social experiment where single men and women enter pods and attempt to form deeper connections without ever seeing each other until one decides to propose. The show goes on to film how the couples form and navigate their newfound relationships, engagements, and impending nuptials in three or four weeks. LIB has garnered a massive fan following, boasting six seasons with eight international spinoffs. While controversial and infuriating contestants are the show’s norm, let’s look at those who reigned superior in Season 6!

6. Clay

Ranking The Six Most Disliked Contestants from ‘Love Is Blind Season 6

Starting off strong with resident playboy Clay, who honestly deserved to be ranked lower on the list of the most hated, but the best out of worst theory has him at number six. A man who comes on a show like Love Is Blind — where the fundamental purpose is to make genuine connections — goes ahead and makes statements like, “I just wanna have that door reveal and be super turned on by my wife.” Cue the detention because it looks like someone needs to grow up. He’s a quintessential playboy who blames his daddy issues while addressing the possibility of cheating on AD in the future if they were to get married. 

One may argue that AD knew what she was getting herself into from the get-go. Her “I can fix him” attitude forced her to take the plunge. Although Clay seems to be a passenger princess with an ego the size of Mars mixed with the audacity to tell AD that he wouldn’t let her get out of shape, viewers could see him undergo some character development as the season progressed (sort of). 

However, the moment at the altar, when he pulled a fast one and rejected her in front of family and friends, proves that no matter how hard a woman tries, f-boys will run away from commitment like their life depends on it. One can’t forget to mention the fact that instead of joyous tears and mouthing “I love you,” his first reaction when he saw AD in her wedding gown was “Body.” Boy, bye!

5. Matthew

Ranking The Six Most Disliked Contestants from ‘Love Is Blind Season 6

If Matthew had made it further on the show, he may have been ranked lower — he should thank his lucky stars. He left a lasting impression on viewers despite having limited screen time courtesy of his insufferable personality. Matthew alone can be responsible for making women “looking for a man in finance” turn around and run for the fire exit! 

Serial killer vibes and triggering checklist aside, every sentence that came out of this man’s mouth had viewers aching to pick up one of the golden chalices and knock some sense into his thick head. And if all these events didn’t make him enough of a villain, it’s revealed that he made the exact same profession of love to AD and Amber (on the same day!). That’s a hilarious move coming from a guy as mid as him.

4. Kenneth

Ranking The Six Most Disliked Contestants from ‘Love Is Blind Season 6

Kenneth is a sheer embodiment of how first impressions can be deceiving. Viewers expected the school principal to be a chill, teddy bear of a guy who complemented Brittany’s ray of sunshine aura. While their relationship was rosy and smooth sailing during the Dominican Republic getaway, the first hit of reality and this dude was sliding down a slippery slope of being a disrespectful man-child. It’s justified for someone to be dedicated to and engrossed in their work, but having your head stuck in your phone while blatantly neglecting your fiancé is unacceptable.

What’s worse? Even during their breakup scene where Brittany was struggling to communicate with tears streaming down her face, Kenneth couldn’t steal his eyes away from the screen for more than 5 seconds! Evidently, the screen-time feature on iPhones was designed for the likes of him. Viewers felt utterly disheartened — not because the couple called it quits — as they witnessed him gaslight Brittany before dumping her. For the wonderful person that she is, Brittany definitely dodged a bullet.   

3. Jimmy

After getting through the comparatively less infuriating names on this ranking, it’s time for the most despicable villains on Love Is Blind Season 6. Sigh…Jimmy. Where does one start with this man who dresses like a retired car salesman and wears tighty-whities? Him being stuck in a love triangle is a ridiculous feat, but it did happen. Evidently, the one factor that pushed Jimmy to choose Chelsea over Jessica in the pods was mainly owing to the former telling him that she looked like Megan Fox

What’s even worse is when he overuses “I love you” as a get-out-of-jail-free card at the first strike of conflict. While Chelsea had her flaws in the form of insecurity and blurting out the most bizarre things — they are all petty crimes compared to Jimmy’s despicable deeds. He took the wrong name in his interview right before he proposed to Chelsea, gaslit her for wanting to be kissed by calling her clingy, and flirted with AD right in front of her during the beach party! 

Jimmy’s thirsty nature, evident superficiality, and choice of breaking up with Chelsea after taking her on the most fun date a day before the wedding were shockers that left viewers fuming. Far too many tears, conversations, and screen time were wasted over this sleazy man who dirty talks like a teenager. One can only hope that he chokes and stumbles to reach for an EpiPen because this degree of audacity shouldn’t be tolerated.

2. Jeramey

Ranking The Six Most Disliked Contestants from ‘Love Is Blind Season 6

If you stopped watching Love Is Blind after the first couple of episodes, the fact that Jeramey made it to this list may be surprising. His initial introduction on the show was fairly tame, and viewers thought of him as a quirky and humorous guy with fantastic dialogue delivery. That’s why his shocking transformation as the season progressed left viewers utterly gobsmacked. The first signs of his villainous should’ve been identified when he mentioned “bean dip at the party or casually expressed interest in meeting Sarah Ann. Watching Jeremy lie to his fiancé Laura about where and who he was with till five in the morning with the smuggest look on his face was triggering, to say the least. 

At the Love is Blind Season 6 reunion, it was also revealed that he had been engaged just a few weeks shy of filming the show. The way he treated Laura while they were breaking up and ran off with Sarah Ann to ride jet skis in front of her, right after the breakup, was downright respectful. Apart from the ridiculous way he spells his name, the fact that his own mother looked disgusted by his actions indicates that Jeramy can take his Hawaiian shirt-clad self and find his way to the bottom of a trash can.

1. Sarah Ann

The only woman on the list deserving of the title of the LIB Season 6 villain in every right is none other than Sarah Ann. She goes against the rules of being a “girl’s girl” and puts the P in pick-me as she wedges her way into Laura and Jeramey’s budding relationship like a hissing snake — dropping him a DM on Instagram while the couple were engaged to be married. As if this weren’t despicable enough, she spent time with Jeramy till 5 am while Laura was at home awaiting his return. She even goes on to justify her actions when AD questions Sarah Ann about her lack of morality. 

The absence of remorse at any point in time was delusional and a clear representation of internalized misogyny. It was revealed rather proudly during the reunion episode that Sarah Ann and Jeramey were in a relationship after the show. While the least she could’ve done to repent her crimes would be to showcase some form of accountability during the reunion, her approach of showering her body in a truckload of glitter to mask her tainted personality by blinding viewers was hilariously malicious. Check out what happened to Danielle and Nick from Love is Blind.

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