Category: News

News coverage including rumors, and announcements within the movie and television industries.

There’s a Kingsman 3 Movie Coming

So far it sounds as though The King’s Man, essentially the precursor of the English secret service that was introduced back in 2014, will be seeing anot

Avril Lavigne is Making a Movie

If you were listening to Avril Lavigne back in the day then you remember the song Sk8r Boi and likely listened to it more than once. The story within the song

The Hypocrisy Behind Snubbing J.K Rowling

At this point apologies from either side don’t feel like they would do much, since the doxxing of J.K. Rowling and now her snubbing from the Harry Potte

Could a Shaw Family Spinoff Work?

Even with the reality of the end to the Fast and Furious franchise starting to loom on the far horizon, it would appear that the story isn’t going out c

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