Kyrie Irving is Sporting a New Toy Story Inspired Sneaker

Kyrie Irving is Sporting a New Toy Story Inspired Sneaker

These days, it seems like practically every sports star and celebrity is marketing a shoe of their own. After all, why wouldn’t they? It’s definitely a profitable endeavor, and it gives each individual that participates something that they can always say was theirs and theirs alone.

Such is the case with NBA superstar Kyrie Irving. Recently, he got in on this shoe craze by partnering with Nike to introduce a brand new shoe that will be marketed in the Boston area first, and then later in the rest of the country. While marketing a shoe that is unique to that specific individual is nothing new, it is interesting to note that all of these products are a little bit different, making them completely unique to the individual they are associated with. In many cases, they’re also associated with some other marketing technique, often a movie. In this particular instance, the Kyrie Irving shoes are associated with the movie Toy Story.

Both the left and the right shoe are very unique from one another, thereby setting this particular version apart from any of the other shoes that are currently circulating on the market. The right shoe features Woody from the movie Toy Story while the left shoe features Buzz Lightyear. As such, one of the shoes incorporates something that resembles a black and white Holstein cow pattern while the other one is white with a futuristic red stripe that goes across it and wraps around from side to side. You really have to see the shoes for yourself in order to understand what it is all about. One thing is certain, there is a lot of interest that has already been generated in this particular product. As of now, it isn’t even available for purchase and people are already clamoring to get their hands on it.

At the current time, it isn’t known when the shoes will become available for purchase throughout the United States. Unfortunately, no one associated with this project has announced an exact date that the product will become available. Most people think that it will be released in the not-too-distant future, which is the reason that there is currently so much buzz associated with it in the first place.

Another thing that sets this particular product apart from any of the other celebrity shoe endorsements is that this particular version is very affordable, especially when compared to the others out there that are being endorsed by sports stars. The shoes are set to sell for $80 a pair in the United States. This is easily less than half what most people would expect to pay for something similar.

Of course, only time will tell just exactly how popular these shoes will really become. In some cases, shoes like these become collector’s items that are sought after years after the last pair has disappeared from the shelves. In other cases, they’re hardly a blip on the radar before they are all but forgotten about. While it’s impossible to tell which way this particular product will go until it actually hits the shelves, there is every reason to believe that it has already generated enough interest to be successful. For the most part, people are merely waiting for a firm release date.

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