9 Things You Didn’t Know About Sex and the City’s Kristin Davis

Kristin Davis is a pop culture icon. She is a talented actress and an inspiring woman. She will always be remembered for her iconic role as the hopelessly romantic Charlotte York on And Just Like Thatand HBO’s Sex and the City.

Her performance on SATC is nothing short of extraordinary. The show was truly ahead of its time in terms of feminism and sexual liberation. So it’s safe to say that Davis was a part of something bigger than her, making her one of the Hollywood greats. So here are nine things you probably didn’t know about Kristin Davis.

1. Kristin Davis Worked as a Waitress Before Getting Into Acting

kristin davis sex and the city

The path to stardom is often difficult, and Davis’ was no exception. She truly had to work her way to the top before she became the icon that she is today. One of the lesser-known things about her is that she once worked as a waitress to secure her rent. She remembers, “What can I say? I was very poor, and I was a waitress, and it’s hard to be a poor waitress in New York.”

2. She Has an Impressive Portfolio of TV Shows and Movies

kristin davis friends

Sex and the City is not the only impressive thing in Davis’ acting portfolio. She has done many interesting movies and TV shows throughout her career. First of all, she got to reprise her role as Charlotte in the movies Sex and the City and Sex and the City 2

Then came the TV show And Just Like That… But other than that, she’s also made outstanding appearances in TV shows Melrose Place, Seinfield, Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, ER, Friends, Bad Teacher, etc. Her most significant film projects include The Shaggy Dog, Deck the Halls, Couples Retreat, Journey 2: The Mysterious Island, and Holiday in the Wild.

3. She’s Done a Lot of Philanthropic Work

kristin davis instagram

Kristin Davis is one of those celebrities that use their fame for good. Not only does she regularly do a lot of charity work, but she’s also an outspoken advocate for human and animal rights. She’s most passionate about animal welfare, regularly promoting and advocating on their behalf. Davis has done a lot of impressive work with elephants in Africa and even adopted one in Kenya. She said, “I think it gave me more respect than I even would have ever dreamt of having for their entire being and how important it is for us to care for their world, as well. It’s such a sad commentary that animals would be becoming extinct because we’re thoughtless. It’s so awful.”

4. Kristin Davis Is Very Different From Charlotte York

charlotte york sex and the city

To many fans’ disappointment, Kristin Davis is nothing like her legendary on-screen character. As the actress pointed out, they are very different, especially when it comes to taste and style. She said, “I am the antithesis of what Charlotte would wear; I am often wearing baggy, drab clothes for yoga and every day for working out. That is what I feel comfortable wearing because I do not want to be recognized everywhere I go.”

5. She Got Her Big Break on Melrose Place

kristin davis melrose place

Before Sex and the City, there was Melrose Place for Davis. The actress got her breakout role on the famous teen soap playing Brooke Armstrong. Sadly, the fans didn’t like her mean character energy, so the writers wrote her off the show after a year.

6. She Always Dreamt of Becoming an Actress

kristin davis instagram

Davis dreamt of becoming an actress since she was nine. That’s when she started pursuing her dreams and got cast in the Workshop Theatre production of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Then, once she graduated, she decided to move to New York and start auditioning for roles.

7. Kristin Davis Has Two Adopted Children

charlotte york sex and the city

Davis is a mother of two adopted children. She adopted her first baby in 2011, a daughter named Gemma Rose Davis. Then in 2018, she adopted a son, Wilson. When asked about motherhood, the actress said, “In parenting, there are just so many unknowns. But you figure it out. As a mom, I wish I had been more trusting of my own instincts.”

8. She Is a Recovering Alcoholic

kristin davis seinfeld episode

One of the lesser-known facts about Davis is that she’s a recovering alcoholic. She started drinking very early, but luckily she managed to fight off this cunning disease. She said, “I’ve never hid it, but I’ve been sober the whole time I’ve been famous, so it wasn’t like I had to go to rehab publicly.”

9. She Appeared on Broadway

sex and the city 2 movie

Davis is also a Broadway actress. She made her Broadway debut in 2012 when she replaced Kerry Butler in the revival of Gore Vidal‘s The Best Man. Other than that, she made her West End debut in Fatal Attraction in 2014.

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