Just Wait Until the Grammy Awards are On to Find out the Winners Will Ya?

Just Wait Until the Grammy Awards are On to Find out the Winners Will Ya?

If you’re reading this, good, I’m glad.  I hope you share my sentiments here.  I should have done this with the Super Bowl commercials but I guess I’m just so jaded that I too joined the party and showed them all early, well before the game was even on.  In the last 2 hours Grammy awards results have been flowing in like wine.  Can we not do this?  There’s nothing wrong with knowing who’s nominated.  In fact it’s exciting to think of who might win.   It’s fun knowing who will be there, who will perform, and what we can expect.  But let’s just stop there shall we?

If you insist on reading most of what the internet is putting out there right now, that’s fine but just know that the Grammy’s won’t be nearly as fun to watch.  Why find out the winners now?  Is there anything in life left that’s spontaneous?  Apparently not.

So from me to you.  From a person who appreciates solid “live” television the way it should be, how about we enjoy the Grammy’s while they’re actually on instead of reporting about them 4 hours before they happen?  P.S. The red carpet is an entirely different animal altogether.

Who’s with me here?  Stop posting Grammy results!

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