Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss Everdeen or Mystique?

Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss Everdeen or Mystique?

Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss Everdeen or Mystique?

From 2012 to 2016 between a couple of Oscar worthy performances Jennifer Lawrence was also one of the biggest action stars on the screen.  While she’s only 26, there’s plenty of time for Lawrence to compete with Scarlett Johansson to get “best action actress” honors.  Right now ScarJo is in the lead because of Ghost in the Shell and Avengers work but I think there are a few blockbusters left in Lawrence’s career as an action star.

During this four year period Lawrence was in 7 films playing both characters.   So the question is, Katniss Everdeen or Mystique? Which one is more likable? Which one is more interesting? Which one would win in a fight? And frankly which one do you like Jennifer Lawrence better in?

In the Hunger Games series, Lawrence plays Katniss Everdeen, a skilled archeress with a rebellious streak. Compare her to Mystique, a deceptive shape-shifting mutant whom the actress portrays in the X-Men movies, having taken over as a younger incarnation from Rebecca Romijn.

You gotta give Mystique an edge in one area, fighting. She’d just pose as Peeta or Gale or Prim to get close and take Katniss out with underhanded ease. Then again, Katniss is a crafty survivor and might quickly be able to spot the trick and get away in time to shoot an arrow straight into Mystique’s blue flesh.

As far as being more likeable? It’s 100% Mystique when she’s not in her blue suit. She’s vulnerable, alone, and can be a seductress when she wants to be. Katniss has to act that part and doesn’t really believe in it. Katniss is more of a leader, hero type.  And in terms of who’s more interesting, I’d say both of them equally.

Honestly this one’s a tough call.  I think I’d have to go with Katniss for no reason whatsoever.

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