credit: Avatar: Way of Water
Every filmmaker puts their best foot forward, right? The general idea of ‘anything you can do, I can do better’ has been a part of filmmaking for quite some time. Still, it would appear that James Cameron is doing whatever he can to make the point that Avatar 2: The Way of Water is better than many movies for many ways for, well, reasons. What those reasons might be is hard to say since comparing movies isn’t the problem; it’s the need to point out why his movie is better at one thing or another that makes one feel as though Cameron is boosting his movie simply because otherwise, it might not stand up on its own. Of course, plenty of people might stand up to defend Cameron’s words and will likely state that he’s not attacking anyone but simply making a comparison. But the need to make such a comparison does speak volumes at times, as there’s little to no need to state how his movie does more for female empowerment than movies such as Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel. It might have been better to say that Avatar 2 was given a way to advance female empowerment, much as other movies have done. But even this isn’t easy when it comes to the reason that Cameron states that his movie is more empowering to women.

credit: Wonder Woman
Pregnant women fighting doesn’t sound empowering; it sounds dangerous
It states that presenting a woman as willing to fight while still pregnant is a strange way to support female empowerment. The idea that this is something that women can do that men cannot is common sense, and celebrating this fact is all well and good, but seeking to glorify the idea that pregnant women can enter a battle and be glorified as intense sounds somewhat awkward, and more than a bit dangerous. Such a thing might inspire many people, but others might come around to state that this is not female empowerment; it is risky behavior that should only be considered necessary in dire situations. Granted, on Pandora, when every person is needed in a fight, it feels easy to state that pregnant women who can fight might be needed. However, there’s still the thought that glorifying this is not so much female empowerment as it is a desperate need to show that it takes risks that other female-centric movies did not.
Comparing Avatar 2 to other female-centric movies in terms of empowerment feels awkward
When thinking about movies such as Captain Marvel, Wonder Woman, the Resident Evil movies, and many others that showed strong women taking charge, it becomes easier to see why pregnant women taking charge would not be the wisest move since there are severe biological reasons why this would not work quite as well. Usually, realism in movies doesn’t find a solid hook since it doesn’t allow for specific actions that might be seen as necessary. Stating that Avatar 2 is more empowering because it shows a pregnant woman functioning, as usual, is easy enough to get behind for many fans, but taking a deeper look at this matter might allow for a clearer view of how female empowerment works in the movies. It might also divide the fans as to whether a pregnant woman engaging in certain activities is empowering or simply dangerous. It might even allow people to see how Cameron’s statements are a bit odd since unless he’d said anything, few, if any, people would have made this mental leap.

credit: MCU
Female empowerment in the movies has come a long way
There’s no way to deny that women have come a long way in the movies since several movies over the past few decades have shown how women have taken on leadership roles and proven that they are just as capable as men when it comes to taking control. Of course, comparing one movie to another is entirely possible. Still, one has to wonder why it is seen as necessary at times since comparing Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel to Avatar 2 is a bit strange, considering that the origins, functions, and roles of each lead in these movies are quite different. But hey, if one feels the need, it’s a free country.
One has to wonder how many different comparisons Cameron will make as the Avatar movies continue
It seems this might become a trend with Cameron if the Avatar sequels continue since it could happen that he’ll feel the need to compare his movies and many others as the years continue to roll by. In truth, there’s nothing wrong with this. Still, it does tend to inspire the thought that Cameron might not be as confident in the efficiency of his movies and might need to convince others that these sequels are superior in some way simply because they’ve advanced the idea of female empowerment that many other movies have built up over the years.
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