In Hollywood Darlings – Star Crossed Mothers, our band of besties will go through the wringer for love. That love manifests as looking for love, a love of the art of acting, and a mother’s love for her kids. In every case, the Hollywood Darlings gave it their best shot!
Hollywood Darlings – Star Crossed Mothers Recap
(This recap contains spoilers for episode 3 of Hollywood Darlings – Star Crossed Mothers)
This was a fun episode that made fun of some Hollywood realities. Jodie Sweetin was having the date from hell with a guy from her gym. He turned out to be a superfan who called he “Stephanie” – and that was the least annoying thing!
After that funny for us/torturous for her opening scene, Jodie commiserated with her fellow darlings: Beverley Mitchell and Christine Lakin.
Jodie vs The Millennium
Things with the dating site recommended by Beverley did not go well At “Celebrati,” the dating site for, yep, celebrities only, Jodie encountered a…post-goth, beyond-hipster, too-cool-for-school girl. She informed Jodie that Jodie didn’t meet the level of stardom for the site. As the conversation went on Jodie (and the audience) realized what the real objection was. Jodie was too normal!
Christine’s Method…Acting
Meanwhile, Christine went home to work on “The Worst Podcast Ever.” There we saw her male co-star cut her off and talk over her, only to have him accuse her of doing it to him the entire time!
Even worse, her husband (not pictured here) agreed with him! Seriously?
Luckily for them, her agent called. Christine got a part in a procedural playing a Russian hooker. The next thing we knew she’s speaking with a Russian accent and dressed like a prostitute! She’s gone full method acting (in the fun exaggerated way that it can be). Anything for her art, right?
The Jodie and Christine Show
Later on, Jodie met up with Christine at a bar (you can see that scene here) to tell her about striking out Celebrati. Christine, still doing full on method, suggests they invite the too-cool girl down to Jodie’s Fuller House set trailer. What Jodie wasn’t counting on was Christine coming out and verbally attacking the girl for rejecting Jodie!
To make a long and funny story short, Christine’s over-the-top Russian prostitute act impresses the girl and she puts Jodie on the site for having such a cool/messed-up friend!
Beverley’s Preschool Blues
That’s not the end of Christine and Jodie’s storylines, but we have to get to Beverley. Her day went about as badly as Jodie’s did. She used Jodie’s connection with Larry, the stuck-up director of the exclusive private school to get a meeting. Once Larry realized she was trying to get her kids in that year, it was a no go. Besides, he’s miffed that Jodie hadn’t hooked him up with a role on Fuller House. (He’s “still acting.”)
What added to Beverley’s misery was her run-in with Soleil Moon Frye (Punky Brewster). Soleil pulled up into the school parking lot with a fancy car and driver. Then she prattled on about her kids being at the school, how great it was, and how her new product launch was going.
Beverley took a comic stab at appearing to be in just as good a place as Soleil. However, she ended up abruptly running off to ambush the school’s director. She wanted to invite him to a dinner party that night. The party’s draw? Jodie would be there and they could talk about that role in Fuller House!
Hollywood Darlings – Star Crossed Mothers: The Convergence!
Jodie, Christine, and Beverley had their storylines come together at the dinner party that night. Jodie had a date with Matthew Lawrence (Boy Meets World) earlier that seemed to go well. She brought him to the party.
Things were going well until Christine showed up – still in method mode. After that crisis got averted (more-or-less) Matthew got Beverley alone in the kitchen. There he asked her about any roles for him that she might have in her upcoming projects.
Jodie was not happy to overhear that conversation. He had said the same thing he asked Jodie on their earlier date! Naturally, Jodie felt he was using her, but as far as he’s concerned, she’s just naiveté!

“Aw, Jodie, everyone uses that app for networking.
The sex was just a bonus!”
Once Matthew said that the three women decided to toss Matthew out of the house. At the door though was…a prostitute! Christine had asked the women to meet her at the party to take Christine out for a “ride-along” to help prepare her for the role. Larry then chose this moment to appear to see what was going on and why he was “being neglected.” This scene was hilarious, but it got even better!
The prostitute recognized Larry as one of her johns! Not only that, he’s a married, group- sex-loving john! Guess whose kids will be admitted to his fancy private preschool – at half-price?
At the end of all of this, we learned that Christine did get to do her role. Unfortunately, all her scenes were cut – except for the one where she’s dead under a sheet. Oh well, that’s show-business!
Review of Hollywood Darlings – Star Crossed Mothers
Overall, Hollywood Darlings – Star Crossed Mothers was another well-written and acted episode. It makes good use of all three actresses strengths. Sweetin conveys exasperation and sarcasm with just a look. Likewise, all of Larkin’s “acting” bits continue to be comic gold. Then there’s Mitchell, whose character could be considered the most “normal” of the three. Yet her good-girl perfection is actually hysterical, in both senses of the word!
Storywise the set up seemed a bit slower than the first two episodes. This could be because there was a little less of three stars together. Each of them is entertaining to watch on their own, but when the three are together onscreen it tends to be a non-stop laugh fest! However, the payoff for the slower pace is at the end – and it’s worth it.
I loved how well the three stars’ storylines crossed and came together for that final scene! When what seems like the worst thing turns out to be the best is a classic comedy bit. It’s even better when you don’t see it coming. Never in a million years was I thinking about a prostitute showing up at the door. That entire bit was hilarious!
The Wrap Up
Do you want to see more of Hollywood Darlings? It airs Wednesdays at 8 pm on the Pop Network. Episodes are also available on the network’s website: For a sneak peek of the latest episode, follow them on Instagram. There, you might want to keep an eye out for a returning guest star!
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