Here’s What We Know about a Potential Ready Player One Sequel

Here’s What We Know about a Potential Ready Player One Sequel

There’s not much to say about the sequel to Ready Player One right now since it’s more rumor than anything, but this picture and the movie, and what’s been happening in the world at the moment, tend to suggest that a sequel would be kind of interesting since it could be directed in a way that would include the utter disaster that many believe that 2020 has been, and the idea that things could only continue to get worse in terms of climate change, overcrowding, and many other factors. The sign in the corner of the image above asking ‘have you washed your hands?’ is a big indication that the world we know now could be viewed from a historical standpoint yet again since 25 years into the future from this point our children and grandchildren are likely to look back and wonder how things turned out the way they did, whether they’re for the better or not. The overall point of a sequel though would likely have to address the issues of running the Oasis, as well as the fact that it could possibly change the Hi-Five in a very big way. There’s also no telling if the original cast is going to return, but it would certainly be advantageous if this movie happens in the first place.

As of now though it sounds as though Warner Bros. isn’t too excited about making such an attempt and Steven Spielberg doesn’t want to helm the project, which is ill news for the idea from the start. There are plenty of fans that would love to see a sequel, but while the author of the original story is already looking forward to the second book being released by Ballatine books, the studio doesn’t sound too enthused about making this happen. That’d be too bad, but it might be easy to understand as well since the first movie did end on a note that was definitely positive but also felt as though it was a little more final than people might be willing to admit. There is enough material to go on to make another movie, but it would likely take a great script and a very ambitious director that could turn a few heads with an idea that might showcase pop culture from the 2000s forward since we’ve seen a vast array of pop culture from 70s onward, since the inclusion of The Shining, Back to the Future, King Kong, the Iron Giant, and many other references were used throughout the movie. Just imagine what a sequel would bring to bear, and then think of what current pop culture icons beyond the 20s might look like. Then think of what it might mean if the Hi-Five were to change just enough to make it clear that fame had become the worst thing for them.

That would almost need to be a part of the story since success tends to weaken the resolve of quite a few people once they’ve attained what they want. Upon climbing that metaphorical mountain a lot of people find that life ceases to mean as much since they worked so hard to reach their goal only to realize that the ‘this is it’ feeling is unfulfilling and leaves them wanting more for some reason. This is pretty common, as many people will keep stretching forward and trying for something else since the idea is that life is all about moving forward, reaching the next peak, and stretching forward until a person can no longer do this and finds the need to settle. For those in their younger years, settling is not the best idea since it’s too early, there’s still too much to be seen and done, and there’s an entire world out there as of yet that requires their attention and can offer the experiences they have yet to take advantage of. That’s a good point though for the movie. What about the rest of the world? The implication of the movie is that people all over the world contribute to the Oasis, but we only see one part of the world where the protagonists live, and that’s where the experience stops apart from the worlds that are seen in the Oasis.

What about the rest of the world? Maybe there are other people throughout the world that are ready to challenge for the Oasis and are even worse than the antagonists in the first movie. That might be a nice idea to work with since it would stretch the world in a different direction and create a list of enemies that could grow in an exponential manner. Just think of it, that could be a hook that would turn a lot of heads, and possibly get the studio back on track with the idea. It would be worth looking into.

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