Grey’s Anatomy Season 11 Episode 18 Review: “When I Grow Up”

Grey's Anatomy

He’s baaaaaack! Derek is officially back at Grey Sloan Memorial, and let’s just say there’s going to be an adjustment period. Also a class field trip and a special trauma collide to bring inspiration on this week’s Grey’s Anatomy.

A class of 5th graders take a field trip to Grey Sloan Memorial this week to learn about the different departments and fields of surgery. Some areas are more impressive than others (Avery needs to work on his presentation skills), but the trauma department is the department of cool for these kids after two cops come in with gunshot wounds from a robbery. If their conditions weren’t enough motivation for good work today, the knowledge that the cops are brothers is. The hope that these brothers can be saved is lost when both of them suffer brain death.

Bailey and Ben end up working on the getaway driver of the robbery, and almost no one is looking out for this kid. When he needs a liver transplant, Bailey is the only one willing to go the extra mile to get him one. She goes so far as to ask for the specific liver of one of the brain dead cops. Naturally, his mother hits the roof and outright refuses to donate her son’s organs not just to Bailey’s patient, but to anyone else. When the brothers’ commanding officer tells the doctors that the cop actually knew the boy and tried to help him, the mother changes her mind and some kind of good comes out of this disaster.

On the personal front, Meredith is blissfully, annoyingly happy with her life. She’s is now the person with the perfect life that she used to want to punch in the face. Derek on the other hand has to adjust to some changes; namely that he is no longer the number one neurosurgeon, he now works for his little sister. Amelia likes the change of pace, all the while reminding, and maybe almost challenging, Derek’s ability to play second fiddle. Even Owen is having a hard time believing that Derek is okay with the new hierarchy.

It isn’t until the end of the episode that Amelia, and the audience, get a good idea of Derek’s new headspace. Derek really has turned a corner, feeling ridiculous that the idea of getting to save a life everyday, and then come home to his family, wasn’t enough. That point is easy to see when one of the visiting kids runs off to observe Meredith’s surgery and is completely enamored with learning to be a doctor. Derek also understands that Amelia doesn’t need him as her protector, just her concerned big brother. Today was exactly the right day for concern, as the officer shooting had both Derek and Amelia thinking about their father and the way he died. Derek finally sits down to have a real conversation with his sister, and she opens up enough to tell him that she is terrified she is falling in love with Owen. Ironically, who would know better than Derek the fear of being in love? Well, maybe Meredith, but given the preview for next week’s episode, something tells me she’s not the person Amelia should talk to about her relationship.

Elsewhere in the love department, Stephanie gets her flirt on with the 5th grade teacher. That is until she finds out that he’s not a teacher, he’s not even a student teacher; he’s a high school volunteer for his little sister’s class. Callie is more successful when she forms a bond with the commanding officer, who I hope we’ll be seeing more of.

What do you think of Derek’s return home?

[Photo via ABC]

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